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Mid-IR Spectra of Type Ia SN 2014J in M82 Spanning the First Four Months

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 نشر من قبل Dan Li
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a time series of 8 - 13 $mu$m spectra and photometry for SN 2014J obtained 57, 81, 108, and 137 d after the explosion using CanariCam on the Gran Telescopio Canarias. This is the first mid-IR time series ever obtained for a Type Ia supernova. These observations can be understood within the framework of the delayed detonation model and the production of $sim$0.6 $rm M_odot$ of $^{56}$Ni, consistent with the observed brightness, the brightness decline relation, and the $gamma$-ray fluxes. The [Co III] line at 11.888 $mu$m is particularly useful for evaluating the time evolution of the photosphere and measuring the amount of $^{56}$Ni and thus the mass of the ejecta. Late-time line profiles of SN 2014J are rather symmetric and not shifted in the rest frame. We see Argon emission, which provides a unique probe of mixing in the transition layer between incomplete burning and nuclear statistical equilibrium. We may see [Fe III] and [Ni IV] emission, both of which are observed to be substantially stronger than indicated by our models. If the latter identification is correct, then we are likely observing stable Ni, which might imply central mixing. In addition, electron capture, also required for stable Ni, requires densities larger than $sim$$1 times 10^9$ g cm$^{-3}$, which are expected to be present only in white dwarfs close to the Chandrasekhar limit. This study demonstrates that mid-IR studies of Type Ia supernovae are feasible from the ground and provide unique information, but it also indicates the need for better atomic data.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

86 - Kaicheng Zhang 2018
We present extensive spectroscopic observations for one of the closest type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), SN 2014J discovered in M82, ranging from 10.4 days before to 473.2 days after B-band maximum light. The diffuse interstellar band (DIB) features detec ted in a high-resolution spectrum allow an estimate of line-of-sight extinction as Av=1.9+/-0.6 mag. Spectroscopically, SN 2014J can be put into the high-velocity (HV) subgroup in Wangs classification with a velocity of Si~II 6355 at maximum light as about 12200 km/s, but has a low velocity gradient (LVG, following Benettis classification) as 41+/-2 km/s/day, which is inconsistent with the trend that HV SNe Ia generally have larger velocity gradients. We find that the HV SNe Ia with LVGs tend to have relatively stronger Si III (at ~4400 Angstrom) absorptions in early spectra, larger ratios of S II 5468 to S II 5640, and weaker Si II 5972 absorptions compared to their counterparts with similar velocities but high velocity gradients. This shows that the HV+LVG subgroup of SNe Ia may have intrinsically higher photospheric temperature, which indicates that their progenitors may experience more complete burning in the explosions relative to the typical HV SNe Ia.
We present optical and near infrared (NIR) observations of the nearby Type Ia SN 2014J. Seventeen optical and twenty-three NIR spectra were obtained from 10 days before ($-$10d) to 10 days after (+10d) the time of maximum $B$-band brightness. The rel ative strengths of absorption features and their patterns of development can be compared at one day intervals throughout most of this period. Carbon is not detected in the optical spectra, but we identify CI $lambda$ 1.0693 in the NIR spectra. We find that MgII lines with high oscillator strengths have higher initial velocities than other MgII lines. We show that the velocity differences can be explained by differences in optical depths due to oscillator strengths. The spectra of SN 2014J show it is a normal SN Ia, but many parameters are near the boundaries between normal and high-velocity subclasses. The velocities for OI, MgII, SiII, SII, CaII and FeII suggest that SN 2014J has a layered structure with little or no mixing. That result is consistent with the delayed detonation explosion models. We also report photometric observations, obtained from $-$10d to +29d, in the $UBVRIJH$ and $K_s$ bands. SN 2014J is about 3 magnitudes fainter than a normal SN Ia at the distance of M82, which we attribute to extinction in the host. The template fitting package SNooPy is used to interpret the light curves and to derive photometric parameters. Using $R_V$ = 1.46, which is consistent with previous studies, SNooPy finds that $A_V = 1.80$ for $E(B-V)_{host}=1.23 pm 0.01$ mag. The maximum $B$-band brightness of $-19.19 pm 0.10$ mag was reached on February 1.74 UT $ pm 0.13$ days and the supernova had a decline parameter of $Delta m_{15}=1.11 pm 0.02$ mag.
280 - Yi Yang , Lifan Wang (1 2017
The very nearby Type Ia supernova 2014J in M82 offers a rare opportunity to study the physics of thermonuclear supernovae at extremely late phases ($gtrsim$800 days). Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), we obtained six epochs of high precision ph otometry for SN 2014J from 277 days to 1181 days past the $B-$band maximum light. The reprocessing of electrons and X-rays emitted by the radioactive decay chain $^{57}$Co$rightarrow ^{57}$Fe are needed to explain the significant flattening of both the $F606W$-band and the pseudo-bolometric light curves. The flattening confirms previous predictions that the late-time evolution of type Ia supernova luminosities requires additional energy input from the decay of $^{57}$Co (Seitenzahl et al. 2009). By assuming the $F606W$-band luminosity scales with the bolometric luminosity at $sim$500 days after the $B-$band maximum light, a mass ratio $^{57}$Ni/$^{56}$Ni$sim$0.065$_{-0.004}^{+0.005}$ is required. This mass ratio is roughly $sim$3 times the solar ratio and favors a progenitor white dwarf with a mass near the Chandrasekhar limit. A similar fit using the constructed pseudo-bolometric luminosity gives a mass ratio $^{57}$Ni/$^{56}$Ni$sim$0.066$_{-0.008}^{+0.009}$. Astrometric tests based on the multi-epoch HST ACS/WFC images reveal no significant circumstellar light echoes in between 0.3 pc and 100 pc (Yang et al. 2017) from the supernova.
We present the intensive spectroscopic follow up of the type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2014J in the starburst galaxy M82. Twenty-seven optical spectra have been acquired from January 22nd to September 1st 2014 with the Isaac Newton (INT) and William Hersc hel (WHT) Telescopes. After correcting the observations for the recession velocity of M82 and for Milky Way and host galaxy extinction, we measured expansion velocities from spectral line blueshifts and pseudo-equivalent width of the strongest features in the spectra, which gives an idea on how elements are distributed within the ejecta. We position SN 2014J in the Benetti (2005), Branch et al. (2006) and Wang et al. (2009) diagrams. These diagrams are based on properties of the Si II features and provide dynamical and chemical information about the SN ejecta. The nearby SN 2011fe, which showed little evidence for reddening in its host galaxy, is shown as a reference for comparisons. SN 2014J is a border-line object between the Core-normal (CN) and Broad-line (BL) groups, which corresponds to an intermediate position between Low Velocity Gradient (LVG) and High Velocity Gradient (HVG) objects. SN 2014J follows the R(Si II)-Delta m15 correlation, which confirms its classification as a relatively normal SN Ia. Our description of the SN Ia in terms of the evolution of the pseudo-equivalent width of various ions as well as the position in the various diagrams put this specific SN Ia into the overall sample of SN Ia.
SN 2014J in M82 is the closest Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) in decades. The proximity allows for detailed studies of supernova physics and provides insights into the circumstellar and interstellar environment. In this work we analyze Spitzer mid-IR data of SN 2014J in the 3.6 and 4.5 {mu}m wavelength range, together with several other nearby and well-studied SNe Ia. We compile the first composite mid-IR light-curve templates from our sample of SNe~Ia, spanning the range from before peak brightness well into the nebular phase. Our observations indicate that SNe Ia form a very homogeneous class of objects at these wavelengths. Using the low-reddening supernovae for comparison, we constrain possible thermal emission from circumstellar dust around the highly reddened SN 2014J. We also study SNe 2006X and 2007le, where the presence of matter in the circumstellar environment has been suggested. No significant mid-IR excess is detected, allowing us to place upper limits on the amount of pre-existing dust in the circumstellar environment. For SN 2014J, $M_{dust} < 10^{-5}$ M$_{odot}$ within $r_{dust} sim 10^{17}$ cm, which is insufficient to account for the observed extinction. Similar limits are obtained for SNe 2006X and 2007le.
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