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Orbital Monitoring of the AstraLux Large M-dwarf Multiplicity Sample

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 نشر من قبل Markus Janson
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Orbital monitoring of M-type binaries is essential for constraining their fundamental properties. This is particularly useful in young systems, where the extended pre-main sequence evolution can allow for precise isochronal dating. Here, we present the continued astrometric monitoring of the more than 200 binaries of the AstraLux Large Multiplicity Survey, building both on our previous work, archival data, and new astrometric data spanning the range of 2010-2012. The sample is very young overall -- all included stars have known X-ray emission, and a significant fraction (18%) of them have recently also been identified as members of young moving groups in the Solar neighborhood. We identify ~30 targets that both have indications of being young and for which an orbit either has been closed or appears possible to close in a reasonable timeframe (a few years to a few decades). One of these cases, GJ 4326, is however identified as probably being substantially older than has been implied from its apparent moving group membership, based on astrometric and isochronal arguments. With further astrometric monitoring, these targets will provide a set of empirical isochrones, against which theoretical isochrones can be calibrated, and which can be used to evaluate the precise ages of nearby young moving groups.

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94 - Felix Hormuth 2008
AstraLux is the Lucky Imaging camera for the Calar Alto 2.2-m telescope and the 3.5-m NTT at La Silla. It allows nearly diffraction limited imaging in the SDSS i and z bands of objects as faint as i=15.5mag with minimum technical effort. One of the ongoing AstraLux observing programs is a binarity survey among late-type stars with spectral types K7 to M8, covering more than 1000 targets on the northern and southern hemisphere. The survey is designed to refine binarity statistics and especially the dependency of binarity fraction on spectral type. The choice of the SDSS i and z filters allows to obtain spectral type and mass estimates for resolved binaries. With an observing efficiency of typically 6 targets per hour we expect to complete the survey in mid-2009. Selected targets will be followed up astrometrically and photometrically, contributing to the calibration of the mass-luminosity relation at the red end of the main sequence and at visible wavelengths.
Binary stars make up a significant portion of all stellar systems. Consequently, an understanding of the bulk properties of binary stars is necessary for a full picture of star formation. Binary surveys indicate that both multiplicity fraction and ty pical orbital separation increase as functions of primary mass. Correlations with higher order architectural parameters such as mass ratio are less well constrained. We seek to identify and characterize double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2s) among the 1350 M dwarf ancillary science targets with APOGEE spectra in the SDSS-III Data Release 13. We measure the degree of asymmetry in the APOGEE pipeline cross-correlation functions (CCFs), and use those metrics to identify a sample of 44 high-likelihood candidate SB2s. At least 11 of these SB2s are known, having been previously identified by Deshapnde et al, and/or El Badry et al. We are able to extract radial velocities (RVs) for the components of 36 of these systems from their CCFs. With these RVs, we measure mass ratios for 29 SB2s and 5 SB3s. We use Bayesian techniques to fit maximum likelihood (but still preliminary) orbits for 4 SB2s with 8 or more distinct APOGEE observations. The observed (but incomplete) mass ratio distribution of this sample rises quickly towards unity. Two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests and probabilities of 18.3% and 18.7%, demonstrating that the mass ratio distribution of our sample is consistent with those measured by Pourbaix et al. and Fernandez et al., respectively.
We present spectroscopic determinations of the effective temperatures, surface gravities and metallicities for 21 M-dwarfs observed at high-resolution (R $sim$ 22,500) in the textit{H}-band as part of the SDSS-IV APOGEE survey. The atmospheric parame ters and metallicities are derived from spectral syntheses with 1-D LTE plane parallel MARCS models and the APOGEE atomic/molecular line list, together with up-to-date H$_{2}$O and FeH molecular line lists. Our sample range in $T_{rm eff}$ from $sim$ 3200 to 3800K, where eleven stars are in binary systems with a warmer (FGK) primary, while the other 10 M-dwarfs have interferometric radii in the literature. We define an $M_{K_{S}}$--Radius calibration based on our M-dwarf radii derived from the detailed analysis of APOGEE spectra and Gaia DR2 distances, as well as a mass-radius relation using the spectroscopically-derived surface gravities. A comparison of the derived radii with interferometric values from the literature finds that the spectroscopic radii are slightly offset towards smaller values, with $Delta$ = -0.01 $pm$ 0.02 $R{star}$/$R_{odot}$. In addition, the derived M-dwarf masses based upon the radii and surface gravities tend to be slightly smaller (by $sim$5-10%) than masses derived for M-dwarf members of eclipsing binary systems for a given stellar radius. The metallicities derived for the 11 M-dwarfs in binary systems, compared to metallicities obtained for their hotter FGK main-sequence primary stars from the literature, shows excellent agreement, with a mean difference of [Fe/H](M-dwarf - FGK primary) = +0.04 $pm$ 0.18 dex, confirming the APOGEE metallicity scale derived here for M-dwarfs.
M-dwarfs in extremely wide binary systems are very rare, and may thus have different formation processes from those found as single stars or close binaries in the field. In this paper we search for close companions to a new sample of 36 extremely wid e M-dwarf binaries, covering a spectral type range of M1 to M5 and a separation range of 600 - 6500 AU. We discover 10 new triple systems and one new quadruple system. We carefully account for selection effects including proper motion, magnitude limits, the detection of close binaries in the SDSS, and other sample biases. The bias-corrected total high-order-multiple fraction is 45% (+18%/-16%) and the bias-corrected incidence of quadruple systems is < 5%, both statistically compatible with that found for the more common close M-dwarf multiple systems. Almost all the detected companions have similar masses to their primaries, although two very low mass companions, including a candidate brown dwarf, are found at relatively large separations. We find that the close-binary separation distribution is strongly peaked towards < 30AU separations. There is marginally significant evidence for a change in high-order M-dwarf multiplicity with binding energy and total mass. We also find 2-sigma evidence of an unexpected increased high-order-multiple fraction for the widest targets in our survey, with a high-order-multiple fraction of 21% (+17%/-7%) for systems with separations up to 2000AU, compared to 77% (+9%/-22%) for systems with separations > 4000AU. These results suggest that the very widest M-dwarf binary systems need higher masses to form or to survive.
We image 104 newly identified low-mass (mostly M-dwarf) pre-main sequence members of nearby young moving groups with Magellan Adaptive Optics (MagAO) and identify 27 binaries with instantaneous projected separation as small as 40 mas. 15 were previou sly unknown. The total number of multiple systems in this sample including spectroscopic and visual binaries from the literature is 36, giving a raw multiplicity rate of at least $35^{+5}_{-4}%$ for this population. In the separation range of roughly 1 - 300 AU in which infrared AO imaging is most sensitive, the raw multiplicity rate is at least $24^{+5}_{-4}%$ for binaries resolved by the MagAO infrared camera (Clio). The M-star sub-sample of 87 stars yields a raw multiplicity of at least $30^{+5}_{-4}%$ over all separations, $21^{+5}_{-4}%$ for secondary companions resolved by Clio from 1 to 300 AU ($23^{+5}_{-4}%$ for all known binaries in this separation range). A combined analysis with binaries discovered by the Search for Associations Containing Young stars shows that multiplicity fraction as a function of mass and age over the range of 0.2 to 1.2 $M_odot$ and 10 - 200 Myr appears to be linearly flat in both parameters and across YMGs. This suggests that multiplicity rates are largely set by 100 Myr without appreciable evolution thereafter. After bias corrections are applied, the multiplicity fraction of low-mass YMG members ($< 0.6 M_odot$) is in excess of the field.
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