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Kaluza-Klein theory for teleparallel gravity

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 نشر من قبل C. Q. Geng
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study teleparallel gravity in the emph{original} Kaluza-Klein (KK) scenario. Our calculation of the KK reduction of teleparallel gravity indicates that the 5-dimensional torsion scalar $^{(5)}T$ generates the non-Brans-Dicke type effective Lagrangian in 4-dimension due to an additional coupling between the derivative of the scalar field and torsion, but the result is equivalent to that in general relativity. We also discuss the cosmological behavior in the FLRW universe based on the effective teleparallel gravity.

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We study the extensions of teleparallism in the Kaluza-Klein (KK) scenario by writing the analogous form to the torsion scalar $T_{text{NGR}}$ in terms of the corresponding antisymmetric tensors, given by $T_{text{NGR}} = a,T_{ijk} , T^{ijk} + b,T_{i jk} ,T^{kji} + c,T^{j}{}_{ji} , T^{k}{}_{k}{}^{i}$, in the four-dimensional New General Relativity (NGR) with arbitrary coefficients $a$, $b$ and $c$. After the KK dimensional reduction, the Lagrangian in the Einstein-frame can be realized by taking $2a+b+c=0$ with the ghost-free condition $cleq0$ for the one-parameter family of teleparallelism. We demonstrate that the pure conformal invariant gravity models can be constructed by the requirements of $2a+b=0$ and $c=0$. In particular, the torsion vector can be identified as the conformal gauge field, while the conformal gauge theory can be obtained by $2a+b+4c=0$ or $2a+b=0$, which is described on the Weyl-Cartan geometry $Y_4$ with the ghost-free conditions $2a+b+c>0$ and $c eq0$. We also consider the weak field approximation and discuss the non-minimal coupled term of the scalar current and torsion vector. For the conformal invariant models with $2a+b=0$, we find that only the anti-symmetric tensor field is allowed rather than the symmetric one.
Teleparallel gravity has significantly increased in popularity in recent decades, bringing attention to Einsteins other theory of gravity. In this Review, we relate this form of geometry to the broader metric-affine approach to forming gravitational theories where we describe a systematic way of constructing consistent teleparallel theories that respect certain physical conditions such as local Lorentz invariance. We first use teleparallel gravity to formulate a teleparallel equivalent of general relativity which is dynamically equivalent to general relativity but which may have different behaviors for other scenarios, such as quantum gravity. After setting this foundation, we describe the plethora of modified teleparallel theories of gravity that have been proposed in the literature. In the second part of the Review, we first survey works in teleparallel astrophysics literature where we focus on the open questions in this regime of physics. We then discuss the cosmological consequences for the various formulations of teleparallel gravity. We do this at background level by exploring works using various approaches ranging from dynamical systems to Noether symmetries, and more. Naturally, we then discuss perturbation theory, firstly by giving a concise approach in which this can be applied in teleparallel gravity theories and then apply it to a number of important theories in the literature. Finally, we examine works in observational and precision cosmology across the plethora of proposal theories. This is done using some of the latest observations and is used to tackle cosmological tensions which may be alleviated in teleparallel cosmology. We also introduce a number of recent works in the application of machine learning to gravity, we do this through deep learning and Gaussian processes, together with discussions about other approaches in the literature.
The exploration of teleparallel gravity has been done from a dynamical systems point of view in order to be tested against the cosmological evolution currently observed. So far, the proposed autonomous systems have been restrictive over a constant dy namical variable, which contains information related to the dynamics on the $H_0$ value. It is therefore that in this paper we consider a generalization of the dynamical system by imposing a nonconstant degree of freedom over it which allows us to rewrite a generic autonomous dynamical analysis. We describe the treatment of our nonlinear autonomous system by studying the hyperbolic critical points and discuss an interesting phenomenological feature in regards to $H_0$: the possibility to obtain a best-fit value for this parameter in a cosmologically viable $f(T,B)$ model, a mixed power law. This result allows us to present a generic scenario in which it is possible to fix constraints to solve the $H_0$ tension at late times where its linearized solutions are considered.
We discuss a semiclassical treatment to inflationary models from Kaluza-Klein theory without the cylinder condition. We conclude that the evolution of the early universe could be described by a geodesic trayectory of a cosmological 5D metric here pro posed, so that the effective 4D FRW background metric should be a hypersurface on a constant fifth dimension.
The standard topological censorship theorems require asymptotic hypotheses which are too restrictive for several situations of interest. In this paper we prove a version of topological censorship under significantly weaker conditions, compatible e.g. with solutions with Kaluza-Klein asymptotic behavior. In particular we prove simple connectedness of the quotient of the domain of outer communications by the group of symmetries for models which are asymptotically flat, or asymptotically anti-de Sitter, in a Kaluza-Klein sense. This allows one, e.g., to define the twist potentials needed for the reduction of the field equations in uniqueness theorems. Finally, the methods used to prove the above are used to show that weakly trapped compact surfaces cannot be seen from Scri.
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