On $(chi,b)$-factors of Cuspidal Automorphic Representations of Unitary Groups I

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Following the idea of [GJS09] for orthogonal groups, we introduce a new family of period integrals for cuspidal automorphic representations $sigma$ of unitary groups and investigate their relation with the occurrence of a simple global Arthur parameter $(chi,b)$ in the global Arthur parameter $psi_sigma$ associated to $sigma$, by the endoscopic classification of Arthur ([Art13], [Mok13], [KMSW14]). The argument uses the theory of theta correspondence. This can be viewed as a part of the $(chi,b)$-theory outlined in [Jia14] and can be regarded as a refinement of the theory of theta correspondences and poles of certain $L$-functions, which was outlined in [Ral91].

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