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Convection in Cool Stars, as Seen Through Keplers Eyes

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 نشر من قبل Fabienne Bastien
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Stellar surface processes represent a fundamental limit to the detection of extrasolar planets with the currently most heavily-used techniques. As such, considerable effort has gone into trying to mitigate the impact of these processes on planet detection, with most studies focusing on magnetic spots. Meanwhile, high-precision photometric planet surveys like CoRoT and Kepler have unveiled a wide variety of stellar variability at previously inaccessible levels. We demonstrate that these newly revealed variations are not solely magnetically driven but also trace surface convection through light curve flicker. We show that flicker not only yields a simple measurement of surface gravity with a precision of ~0.1 dex, but it may also improve our knowledge of planet properties, enhance radial velocity planet detection and discovery, and provide new insights into stellar evolution.

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The Galactic Center region, including the nuclear disk, has until recently been largely avoided in chemical census studies because of extreme extinction and stellar crowding. Making use of the latest APOGEE data release (DR16), we are able for the fi rst time to study cool AGB stars and supergiants in this region. The stellar parameters of five known AGB stars and one supergiant star (VR 5-7) show that their location is well above the tip of the RGB.We study metallicities of 157 M giants situated within 150 pc of the Galactic center from observations obtained by the APOGEE survey with reliable stellar parameters from the APOGEE/ASPCAP pipeline making use of the cool star grid down to 3200 K. Distances, interstellar extinction values, and radial velocities were checked to confirm that these stars are indeed situated in the Galactic Center region. We detect a clear bimodal structure in the metallicity distribution function, with a dominant metal-rich peak of [Fe/H] ~ +0.3 dex and a metal-poor peak around [Fe/H]= -0.5 dex, which is 0.2 dex poorer than Baades Window. The alpha-elements Mg, Si, Ca, and O show a similar trend to the Galactic Bulge. The metal-poor component is enhanced in the alpha-elements, suggesting that this population could be associated with the classical bulge and a fast formation scenario. We find a clear signature of a rotating nuclear stellar disk and a significant fraction of high velocity stars with $rm v_{gal} > 300,km/s$; the metal-rich stars show a much higher rotation velocity ($rm sim 200,km/s$) with respect to the metal-poor stars ($rm sim 140,km/s$). The chemical abundances as well as the metallicity distribution function suggest that the nuclear stellar disc and the nuclear star cluster show distinct chemical signatures and might be formed differently.
141 - Florentin Millour 2012
With the advent of large-collecting-area instruments, the number of objects that can be reached by optical long-baseline interferometry is steadily increasing. We present here a few results on massive binary stars, showing the interest of using this technique for studying the insight of interactions in these systems. Indeed, many massive stars with extended environments host, or are suspected to host, companion stars. These companions could have an important role in shaping the circumstellar environment of the system. These examples provide a view in which binarity could be an ingredient, among many others, for the activity of these stars.
We present a photometric study of M13 multiple stellar populations over a wide field of view, covering approximately 6.5 half-light radii, using archival Isaac Newton Telescope observations to build an accurate multi-band Stromgren catalogue. The use of the Stromgren index $c_{y}$ permits us to separate the multiple populations of M13 on the basis of their position on the red giant branch. The comparison with medium and high resolution spectroscopic analysis confirms the robustness of our selection criterion. To determine the radial distribution of stars in M13, we complemented our dataset with Hubble Space Telescope observations of the cluster core, to compensate for the effect of incompleteness affecting the most crowded regions. From the analysis of the radial distributions we do not find any significant evidence of spatial segregation. Some residuals may be present in the external regions where we observe only a small number of stars. This finding is compatible with the short dynamical timescale of M13 and represents, to date, one of the few examples of fully spatially mixed multiple populations in a massive globular cluster.
106 - Emese Plachy , Robert Szabo 2020
The unprecedented photometric precision along with the quasi-continuous sampling provided by the Kepler space telescope revealed new and unpredicted phenomena that reformed and invigorated RR Lyrae star research. The discovery of period doubling and the wealth of low-amplitude modes enlightened the complexity of the pulsation behavior and guided us towards nonlinear and nonradial studies. Searching and providing theoretical explanation for these newly found phenomena became a central question, as well as understanding their connection to the oldest enigma of RR Lyrae stars, the Blazhko effect. We attempt to summarize the highest impact RR Lyrae results based on or inspired by the data of the Kepler space telescope both from the nominal and the K2 missions. Besides the three most intriguing topics, the period doubling, the low-amplitude modes, and the Blazhko effect, we also discuss the challenges of Kepler photometry that played a crucial role in the results. The secrets of these amazing variables, uncovered by Kepler, keep the theoretical, ground-based and space-based research inspired in the post-Kepler era, since light variation of RR Lyrae stars is still not completely understood.
We have undertaken a systematic study of pre-main sequence (PMS) stars spanning a wide range of masses (0.5 - 4 Msolar), metallicities (0.1 - 1 Zsolar) and ages (0.5 - 30 Myr). We have used the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to identify and characteris e a large sample of PMS objects in several star-forming regions in the Magellanic Clouds, namely 30 Dor and the SN 1987A field in the LMC, and NGC 346 and NGC 602 in the SMC, and have compared them to PMS stars in similar regions in the Milky Way, such as NGC 3603 and Trumpler 14, which we studied with the HST and Very Large Telescope (VLT). We have developed a novel method that combines broad-band (V, I) photometry with narrow-band Halpha imaging to determine the physical parameters (temperature, luminosity, age, mass and mass accretion rate) of more than 3000 bona-fide PMS stars still undergoing active mass accretion. This is presently the largest and most homogeneous sample of PMS objects with known physical properties and includes not only very young objects, but also PMS stars older than 10 - 20 Myr that are approaching the main sequence (MS). We find that the mass accretion rate scales roughly with the square root of the age, with the mass of the star to the power of 1.5, and with the inverse of the cube root of the metallicity. The mass accretion rates for stars of the same mass and age are thus systematically higher in the Magellanic Clouds than in the Milky Way. These results are bound to have important implications for, and constraints on our understanding of the star formation process.
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