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Stellar Variability in the VVV Survey: An Update

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 نشر من قبل Marcio Catelan
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO Public Survey consists in a near-infrared time-series survey of the Galactic bulge and inner disk, covering 562 square degrees of the sky, over a total timespan of more than 5 years. In this paper, we provide an updated account of the current status of the survey, especially in the context of stellar variability studies. In this sense, we give a first description of our efforts towards the construction of the VVV Variable Star Catalog (VVV-VSC).

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Context. The Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO Public Survey is a variability survey of the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the disk carried out from 2010 on ESO Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). VVV wi ll eventually deliver a deep near-IR atlas with photometry and positions in five passbands (ZYJHK_S) and a catalogue of 1-10 million variable point sources - mostly unknown - which require classifications. Aims. The main goal of the VVV Templates Project, that we introduce in this work, is to develop and test the machine-learning algorithms for the automated classification of the VVV light-curves. As VVV is the first massive, multi-epoch survey of stellar variability in the near-infrared, the template light-curves that are required for training the classification algorithms are not available. In the first paper of the series we describe the construction of this comprehensive database of infrared stellar variability. Methods. First we performed a systematic search in the literature and public data archives, second, we coordinated a worldwide observational campaign, and third we exploited the VVV variability database itself on (optically) well-known stars to gather high-quality infrared light-curves of several hundreds of variable stars. Results. We have now collected a significant (and still increasing) number of infrared template light-curves. This database will be used as a training-set for the machine-learning algorithms that will automatically classify the light-curves produced by VVV. The results of such an automated classification will be covered in forthcoming papers of the series.
We present a $approx 11.5$ year adaptive optics (AO) study of stellar variability and search for eclipsing binaries in the central $sim 0.4$ pc ($sim 10$) of the Milky Way nuclear star cluster. We measure the photometry of 563 stars using the Keck II NIRC2 imager ($K$-band, $lambda_0 = 2.124 text{ } mu text{m}$). We achieve a photometric uncertainty floor of $Delta m_{K} sim 0.03$ ($approx 3%$), comparable to the highest precision achieved in other AO studies. Approximately half of our sample ($50 pm 2 %$) shows variability. $52 pm 5%$ of known early-type young stars and $43 pm 4 %$ of known late-type giants are variable. These variability fractions are higher than those of other young, massive star populations or late-type giants in globular clusters, and can be largely explained by two factors. First, our experiment time baseline is sensitive to long-term intrinsic stellar variability. Second, the proper motion of stars behind spatial inhomogeneities in the foreground extinction screen can lead to variability. We recover the two known Galactic center eclipsing binary systems: IRS 16SW and S4-258 (E60). We constrain the Galactic center eclipsing binary fraction of known early-type stars to be at least $2.4 pm 1.7%$. We find no evidence of an eclipsing binary among the young S-stars nor among the young stellar disk members. These results are consistent with the local OB eclipsing binary fraction. We identify a new periodic variable, S2-36, with a 39.43 day period. Further observations are necessary to determine the nature of this source.
The ESO public survey VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) has contributed with deep multi-epoch photometry of the Galactic bulge and the adjacent part of the disk over 526 square degrees. More than a hundred cluster candidates have been reported thanks to this survey. We present the fifth article in a series of papers focused on young and massive clusters discovered in the VVV survey. In this paper, we present the physical characterization of five clusters with a spectroscopically confirmed OB-type stellar population. To characterize the clusters, we used near-infrared photometry ($J$, $H,$ and $K_S$) from the VVV survey and near-infrared $K$-band spectroscopy from ISAAC at VLT, following the methodology presented in the previous articles of the series. All clusters in our sample are very young (ages between 1-20 Myr), and their total mass are between $(1.07^{+0.40}_{-0.30})cdot10^2$ $M_{odot}$ and $(4.17^{+4.15}_{-2.08})cdot10^3$ $M_{odot}$. We observed a relation between the clusters total mass $M_{ecl}$ and the mass of their most massive stellar member $m_{max}$, even for clusters with an age $<$ 10 Myr.
Thanks to the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO Public Survey it is now possible to explore a large number of objects in those regions. This paper addresses the variability analysis of all VVV point sources having more than 10 observations in VVVDR4 using a novel approach. In total, the near-IR light curves of 288,378,769 sources were analysed using methods developed in the New Insight Into Time Series Analysis project. As a result, we present a complete sample having 44, 998, 752 variable star candidates (VVV-CVSC), which include accurate individual coordinates, near-IR magnitudes (ZYJHKs), extinctions A(Ks), variability indices, periods, amplitudes, among other parameters to assess the science. Unfortunately, a side effect of having a highly complete sample, is also having a high level of contamination by non-variable (contamination ratio of non-variables to variables is slightly over 10:1). To deal with this, we also provide some flags and parameters that can be used by the community to de-crease the number of variable candidates without heavily decreasing the completeness of the sample. In particular, we cross-identified 339,601 of our sources with Simbad and AAVSO databases, which provide us with information for these objects at other wavelegths. This sub-sample constitutes a unique resource to study the corresponding near-IR variability of known sources as well as to assess the IR variability related with X-ray and Gamma-Ray sources. On the other hand, the other 99.5% sources in our sample constitutes a number of potentially new objects with variability information for the heavily crowded and reddened regions of the Galactic Plane and Bulge. The present results also provide an important queryable resource to perform variability analysis and to characterize ongoing and future surveys like TESS and LSST.
The purpose of this research is to study the connection of global properties of eight young stellar clusters projected in the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO Large Public Survey disk area and their young stellar object population. The ana lysis in based on the combination of spectroscopic parallax-based reddening and distance determinations with main sequence and pre-main sequence ishochrone fitting to determine the basic parameters (reddening, age, distance) of the sample clusters. The lower mass limit estimations show that all clusters are low or intermediate mass (between 110 and 1800 Mo), the slope Gamma of the obtained present-day mass functions of the clusters is close to the Kroupa initial mass function. On the other hand, the young stellar objects in the surrounding clusters fields are classified by low resolution spectra, spectral energy distribution fit with theoretical predictions, and variability, taking advantage of multi-epoch VVV observations. All spectroscopically confirmed young stellar objects (except one) are found to be massive (more than 8 Mo). Using VVV and GLIMPSE color-color cuts we have selected a large number of new young stellar object candidates, which are checked for variability and 57% are found to show at least low-amplitude variations. In few cases it was possible to distinguish between YSO and AGB classification on the basis of the light curves.
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