Nonlinear transport and noise thermometry in quasi-classical ballistic point contacts

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study nonlinear transport and non-equilibrium current noise in quasi-classical point contacts (PCs) defined in a low-density high-quality two-dimensional electron system in GaAs. At not too high bias voltages $V$ across the PC the noise temperature is determined by a Joule heat power and almost independent on the PC resistance that can be associated with a self-heating of the electronic system. This commonly accepted scenario breaks down at increasing $V$, where we observe extra noise accompanied by a strong decrease of the PCs differential resistance. The spectral density of the extra noise is roughly proportional to the nonlinear current contribution in the PC $delta Sapprox2F^*|edelta I|sim V^2$ with the effective Fano factor $F^*<1$, indicating that a random scattering process is involved. A small perpendicular magnetic field is found to suppress both $delta I$ and $delta S$. Our observations are consistent with a concept of a drag-like mechanism of the nonlinear transport mediated by electron-electron scattering in the leads of quasi-classical PCs.

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