Collective interaction of QCD strings and early stages of high multiplicity pA collisions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the early stages of central pA and peripheral AA collisions. Several observables indicate that at a sufficiently large number of participant nucleons the system undergoes a transition into a new explosive regime. By defining a string-string interaction through the sigma meson exchange and performing molecular dynamics simulation, we argue that one should expect a strong collective implosion of the multi-string spaghetti state, creating significant compression of the system in the transverse plane. Another consequence is the collectivization of the sigma clouds of all strings into a chirally symmetric fireball. We find that these effects happen provided the number of strings $N_s > 30$ or so, as only such a number can compensate a small sigma-string coupling. These findings should help us to understand the subsequent explosive behavior, observed for the particle multiplicities roughly corresponding to this number of strings.

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