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Orbital signatures from observed light curves of blazars

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 نشر من قبل Arun Mangalam
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Variability in active galactic nuclei is observed in ultraviolet to X-ray emission based light curves. This could be attributed to orbital signatures of the plasma that constitutes the accretion flow on the putative disk or in the developing jet close to the inner region of the central black hole. We discuss some theoretical models which build on this view. These models include general relativistic effects such as light bending, aberration effects, gravitational and Doppler redshifts. The novel aspects relate to the treatment of helical flow in cylindrical and conical geometries in the vicinity of a Schwarzschild black hole that leads to amplitude and frequency modulations of simulated light curves as well as the inclusion of beaming effects in these idealized geometries. We then present a suite of time series analysis techniques applicable to data with varied properties which can extract detailed information from them for their use in theoretical models.

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121 - P. Giommi , M. Perri , M. Capalbi 2021
Blazars research is one of the hot topics of contemporary extra-galactic astrophysics. That is because these sources are the most abundant type of extra-galactic gamma-ray sources and are suspected to play a central role in multi-messenger astrophysi cs. We have used swift_xrtproc, a tool to carry out an accurate spectral and photometric analysis of the Swift-XRT data of all blazars observed by Swift at least 50 times between December 2004 and the end of 2020. We present a database of X-ray spectra, best-fit parameter values, count-rates and flux estimations in several energy bands of over 31,000 X-ray observations and single snapshots of 65 blazars. The results of the X-ray analysis have been combined with other multi-frequency archival data to assemble the broad-band Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) and the long-term light-curves of all sources in the sample. Our study shows that large X-ray luminosity variability on different timescales is present in all objects. Spectral changes are also frequently observed with a harder-when-brighter or softer-when-brighter behavior depending on the SED type of the blazars. The peak energy of the synchrotron component nu_peak in the SED of HBL blazars, estimated from the log-parabolic shape of their X-ray spectra, also exhibits very large changes in the same source, spanning a range of over two orders of magnitude in Mrk421 and Mrk501, the objects with the best data sets in our sample.
$bf{Context}$. We investigate the validity of the claim that invokes two extreme exoplanetary system candidates around the pulsating B-type subdwarfs KIC 10001893 and KIC 5807616 from the primary $it{Kepler}$ field. $bf{Aims}$. Our goal was to find characteristics and the source of weak signals that are observed in these subdwarf light curves. $bf{Methods}$. To achieve this, we analyzed short- and long-cadence $it{Kepler}$ data of the two stars by means of a Fourier transform and compared the results to Fourier transforms of simulated light curves to which we added exoplanetary signals. The long-cadence data of KIC 10001893 were extracted from CCD images of a nearby star, KIC 10001898, using a point spread function reduction technique. $bf{Results}$. It appears that the amplitudes of the Fourier transform signals that were found in the low-frequency region depend on the methods that are used to extract and prepare $it{Kepler}$ data. We demonstrate that using a comparison star for space telescope data can significantly reduce artifacts. Our simulations also show that a weak signal of constant amplitude and frequency, added to a stellar light curve, conserves its frequency in Fourier transform amplitude spectra to within 0.03 $mu$Hz. $bf{Conclusions}$. Based on our simulations, we conclude that the two low-frequency Fourier transform signals found in KIC 5807616 are likely the combined frequencies of the lower amplitude pulsating modes of the star. In the case of KIC 10001893, the signal amplitudes that are visible in the light curve depend on the data set and reduction methods. The strongest signal decreases significantly in amplitude when KIC 10001898 is used as a comparison star. Finally, we recommend that the signal detection threshold is increased to 5 $sigma$ (or higher) for a Fourier transform analysis of $it{Kepler}$ data in low-frequency regions.
We examine the effects of time dilation on the temporal profiles of gamma-ray burst (GRB) pulses. By using prescriptions for the shape and evolution of prompt gamma-ray spectra, we can generate a simulated population of single pulsed GRBs at a variet y of redshifts and observe how their light curves would appear to a gamma-ray detector here on Earth. We find that the observer frame duration of individual pulses does not increase as a function of redshift as one would expect from the cosmological expansion of a Friedman-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Universe. In fact, the duration of individual pulses is seen to decrease as their signal-to-noise decreases with increasing redshift, as only the brightest portion of a high redshift GRBs light curve is accessible to the detector. The results of our simulation are consistent with the fact that a systematic broadening of GRB durations as a function of redshift has not materialized in either the Swift or Fermi detected GRBs with known redshift. We show that this fundamental duration bias implies that the measured durations and associated Eiso estimates for GRBs detected near an instruments detection threshold should be considered lower limits to their true values. We conclude by predicting that the average peak-to-peak time for a large number of multi-pulsed GRBs as a function of redshift may eventually provide the evidence for time dilation that has so far eluded detection.
High resolution Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) revealed traveling and stationary or quasi-stationary radio-components in several blazar jets. The traveling ones are in general interpreted as shoc k waves generated by pressure perturbations injected at the jet nozzle. The stationary features can be interpreted as recollimation shocks in non-pressure matched jets if they show a quasi-symmetric bump in the spectral index distribution. In some jets there may be interactions between the two kinds of shocks. These shock--shock interactions are observable with VLBI techniques, and their signature should also be imprinted on the single--dish light curves. We performed relativistic hydrodynamic (RHD) simulations of over-pressured and pressure-matched jets. To simulate the shock interaction we injected a perturbation at the jet nozzle once a steady-state was reached. We computed the non-thermal emission (including adiabatic and synchotron losses) resulting from the simulation. We show that the injection of perturbations in a jet can produce a bump in emission at GHz frequencies previous to the main flare, which is produced when the perturbation fills the jet in the observers frame. The detailed analysis of our simulations and the non-thermal emission calculations show that interaction between a recollimation shock and traveling shock produce a typical and clear signature in both the single--dish light curves and in the VLBI observations: the flaring peaks are higher and delayed with respect to the evolution of a perturbation through a conical jet. This fact can allow to detect such interactions for stationary components lying outside of the region in where the losses are dominated by inverse Compton scattering.
The extragalactic background light (EBL) is the diffuse radiation with the second highest energy density in the Universe after the cosmic microwave background. The aim of this study is the measurement of the imprint of the EBL opacity to gamma-rays o n the spectra of the brightest extragalactic sources detected with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.). The originality of the method lies in the joint fit of the EBL optical depth and of the intrinsic spectra of the sources, assuming intrinsic smoothness. Analysis of a total of ~10^5 gamma-ray events enables the detection of an EBL signature at the 8.8 std dev level and constitutes the first measurement of the EBL optical depth using very-high energy (E>100 GeV) gamma-rays. The EBL flux density is constrained over almost two decades of wavelengths (0.30-17 microns) and the peak value at 1.4 micron is derived as 15 +/- 2 (stat) +/- 3 (sys) nW / m^2 sr.
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