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Scheduling parallel servers in the nondegenerate slowdown diffusion regime: Asymptotic optimality results

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 نشر من قبل Rami Atar
 تاريخ النشر 2014
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We consider the problem of minimizing queue-length costs in a system with heterogenous parallel servers, operating in a many-server heavy-traffic regime with nondegenerate slowdown. This regime is distinct from the well-studied heavy traffic diffusion regimes, namely the (single server) conventional regime and the (many-server) Halfin-Whitt regime. It has the distinguishing property that waiting times and service times are of comparable magnitudes. We establish an asymptotic lower bound on the cost and devise a sequence of policies that asymptotically attain this bound. As in the conventional regime, the asymptotics can be described by means of a Brownian control problem, the solution of which exhibits a state space collapse.

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We investigate the scheduling of a common resource between several concurrent users when the feasible transmission rate of each user varies randomly over time. Time is slotted and users arrive and depart upon service completion. This may model for ex ample the flow-level behavior of end-users in a narrowband HDR wireless channel (CDMA 1xEV-DO). As performance criteria we consider the stability of the system and the mean delay experienced by the users. Given the complexity of the problem we investigate the fluid-scaled system, which allows to obtain important results and insights for the original system: (1) We characterize for a large class of scheduling policies the stability conditions and identify a set of maximum stable policies, giving in each time slot preference to users being in their best possible channel condition. We find in particular that many opportunistic scheduling policies like Score-Based, Proportionally Best or Potential Improvement are stable under the maximum stability conditions, whereas the opportunistic scheduler Relative-Best or the cmu-rule are not. (2) We show that choosing the right tie-breaking rule is crucial for the performance (e.g. average delay) as perceived by a user. We prove that a policy is asymptotically optimal if it is maximum stable and the tie-breaking rule gives priority to the user with the highest departure probability. We will refer to such tie-breaking rule as myopic. (3) We derive the growth rates of the number of users in the system in overload settings under various policies, which give additional insights on the performance. (4) We conclude that simple priority-index policies with the myopic tie-breaking rule, are stable and asymptotically optimal. All our findings are validated with extensive numerical experiments.
We consider a system of N queues with decentralized load balancing such as power-of-D strategies(where D may depend on N) and generic scheduling disciplines. To measure the dependence of the queues, we use the clan of ancestors, a technique coming fr om interacting particle systems. Relying in that analysis we prove quantitative estimates on the queues correlations implying propagation of chaos for systems with Markovian arrivals and general service time distribution. This solves the conjecture posed by Bramsom et. al. in [*] concerning the asymptotic independence of the servers in the case of processor sharing policy. We then proceed to prove asymptotic insensitivity in the stationary regime for a wide class of scheduling disciplines and obtain speed of convergence estimates for light tailed service distribution. [*] M. BRAMSON, Y. LU AND B. PRABHAKAR, Asymptotic independence of queues under randomized load balancing, Queueing Syst., 71:247-292, 2012.
We use activity networks (task graphs) to model parallel programs and consider series-parallel extensions of these networks. Our motivation is two-fold: the benefits of series-parallel activity networks and the modelling of programming constructs, su ch as those imposed by current parallel computing environments. Series-parallelisation adds precedence constraints to an activity network, usually increasing its makespan (execution time). The slowdown ratio describes how additional constraints affect the makespan. We disprove an existing conjecture positing a bound of two on the slowdown when workload is not considered. Where workload is known, we conjecture that 4/3 slowdown is always achievable, and prove our conjecture for small networks using max-plus algebra. We analyse a polynomial-time algorithm showing that achieving 4/3 slowdown is in exp-APX. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results.
144 - Rami Atar , Mark Shifrin 2014
For a multiclass G/G/1 queue with finite buffers, admission and scheduling control, and holding and rejection costs, we construct a policy that is asymptotically optimal in the heavy traffic limit. The policy is specified in terms of a single paramet er which constitutes the free boundary point from the Harrison-Taksar free boundary problem, but otherwise depends explicitly on the problem data. The c mu priority rule is also used by the policy, but in a way that is novel, and, in particular, different than that used in problems with infinite buffers. We also address an analogous problem where buffer constraints are replaced by throughput time constraints.
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