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Categorical frameworks for generalized functions

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 نشر من قبل Enxin Wu
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We tackle the problem of finding a suitable categorical framework for generalized functions used in mathematical physics for linear and non-linear PDEs. We are looking for a Cartesian closed category which contains both Schwartz distributions and Colombeau generalized functions as natural objects. We study Frolicher spaces, diffeological spaces and functionally generated spaces as frameworks for generalized functions. The latter are similar to Frolicher spaces, but starting from locally defined functionals. Functionally generated spaces strictly lie between Frolicher spaces and diffeological spaces, and they form a complete and cocomplete Cartesian closed category. We deeply study functionally generated spaces (and Frolicher spaces) as a framework for Schwartz distributions, and prove that in the category of diffeological spaces, both the special and the full Colombeau algebras are smooth differential algebras, with a smooth embedding of Schwartz distributions and smooth pointwise evaluations of Colombeau generalized functions.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Generalized smooth functions are a possible formalization of the original historical approach followed by Cauchy, Poisson, Kirchhoff, Helmholtz, Kelvin, Heaviside, and Dirac to deal with generalized functions. They are set-theoretical functions defin ed on a natural non-Archimedean ring, and include Colombeau generalized functions (and hence also Schwartz distributions) as a particular case. One of their key property is the closure with respect to composition. We review the theory of generalized smooth functions and prove both the local and some global inverse function theorems.
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We present an extension of some results of higher order calculus of variations and optimal control to generalized functions. The framework is the category of generalized smooth functions, which includes Schwartz distributions, while sharing many nonl inear properties with ordinary smooth functions. We prove the higher order Euler-Lagrange equations, the DAlembert principle in differential form, the du Bois-Reymond optimality condition and the Noethers theorem. We start the theory of optimal control proving a weak form of the Pontryagin maximum principle and the Noethers theorem for optimal control. We close with a study of a singularly variable length pendulum, oscillations damped by two media and the Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator with singular frequencies.
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