Domain Wall Roughness in Stripe Phase BiFeO$_3$ Thin Films

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Using the model system of ferroelectric domain walls, we explore the effects of long-range dipolar interactions and periodic ordering on the behavior of pinned elastic interfaces. In piezoresponse force microscopy studies of the characteristic roughening of intrinsic 71{deg} stripe domains in BiFeO$_3$ thin films, we find unexpectedly high values of the roughness exponent {zeta} = 0.74 $pm$ 0.10, significantly different from those obtained for artificially written domain walls in this and other ferroelectric materials. The large value of the exponent suggests that a random field-dominated pinning, combined with stronger disorder and strain effects due to the step-bunching morphology of the samples, could be the dominant source of pinning in the system.

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