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New Approaches to Website Fingerprinting Defenses

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 نشر من قبل Rishab Nithyanand
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Website fingerprinting attacks enable an adversary to infer which website a victim is visiting, even if the victim uses an encrypting proxy, such as Tor. Previous work has shown that all proposed defenses against website fingerprinting attacks are ineffective. This paper advances the study of website fingerprinting attacks and defenses in two ways. First, we develop bounds on the trade-off between security and bandwidth overhead that any fingerprinting defense scheme can achieve. This enables us to compare schemes with different security/overhead trade-offs by comparing how close they are to the lower bound. We then refine, implement, and evaluate the Congestion Sensitive BuFLO scheme outlined by Cai, et al. CS-BuFLO, which is based on the provably-secure BuFLO defense proposed by Dyer, et al., was not fully-specified by Cai, et al, but has nonetheless attracted the attention of the Tor developers. Our experiments find that CS-BuFLO has high overhead (around 2.3-2.8x) but can get 6x closer to the bandwidth/security trade-off lower bound than Tor or plain SSH.

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185 - Giovanni Cherubin 2017
Website Fingerprinting (WF) attacks raise major concerns about users privacy. They employ Machine Learning (ML) to allow a local passive adversary to uncover the Web browsing behavior of a user, even if she browses through an encrypted tunnel (e.g. T or, VPN). Numerous defenses have been proposed in the past; however, it is typically difficult to have formal guarantees on their security, which is most often evaluated empirically against state-of-the-art attacks. In this paper, we present a practical method to derive security bounds for any WF defense, which depend on a chosen feature set. This result derives from reducing WF attacks to an ML classification task, where we can determine the smallest achievable error (the Bayes error); such error can be estimated in practice, and is a lower bound for a WF adversary, for any classification algorithm he may use. Our work has two main consequences: i) it allows determining the security of WF defenses, in a black-box manner, with respect to the state-of-the-art feature set and ii) it favors shifting the focus of future WF research to the identification of optimal feature sets. The generality of the approach further suggests that the method could be used to define security bounds for other ML-based attacks.
Website fingerprinting attacks, which use statistical analysis on network traffic to compromise user privacy, have been shown to be effective even if the traffic is sent over anonymity-preserving networks such as Tor. The classical attack model used to evaluate website fingerprinting attacks assumes an on-path adversary, who can observe all traffic traveling between the users computer and the Tor network. In this work we investigate these attacks under a different attack model, in which the adversary is capable of running a small amount of unprivileged code on the target users computer. Under this model, the attacker can mount cache side-channel attacks, which exploit the effects of contention on the CPUs cache, to identify the website being browsed. In an important special case of this attack model, a JavaScript attack is launched when the target user visits a website controlled by the attacker. The effectiveness of this attack scenario has never been systematically analyzed, especially in the open-world model which assumes that the user is visiting a mix of both sensitive and non-sensitive sites. In this work we show that cache website fingerprinting attacks in JavaScript are highly feasible, even when they are run from highly restrictive environments, such as the Tor Browser. Specifically, we use machine learning techniques to classify traces of cache activity. Unlike prior works, which try to identify cache conflicts, our work measures the overall occupancy of the last-level cache. We show that our approach achieves high classification accuracy in both the open-world and the closed-world models. We further show that our techniques are resilient both to network-based defenses and to side-channel countermeasures introduced to modern browsers as a response to the Spectre attack.
Browser fingerprinting is an invasive and opaque stateless tracking technique. Browser vendors, academics, and standards bodies have long struggled to provide meaningful protections against browser fingerprinting that are both accurate and do not deg rade user experience. We propose FP-Inspector, a machine learning based syntactic-semantic approach to accurately detect browser fingerprinting. We show that FP-Inspector performs well, allowing us to detect 26% more fingerprinting scripts than the state-of-the-art. We show that an API-level fingerprinting countermeasure, built upon FP-Inspector, helps reduce website breakage by a factor of 2. We use FP-Inspector to perform a measurement study of browser fingerprinting on top-100K websites. We find that browser fingerprinting is now present on more than 10% of the top-100K websites and over a quarter of the top-10K websites. We also discover previously unreported uses of JavaScript APIs by fingerprinting scripts suggesting that they are looking to exploit APIs in new and unexpected ways.
Quantum copy protection uses the unclonability of quantum states to construct quantum software that provably cannot be pirated. Copy protection would be immensely useful, but unfortunately little is known about how to achieve it in general. In this w ork, we make progress on this goal, by giving the following results: - We show how to copy protect any program that cannot be learned from its input/output behavior, relative to a classical oracle. This improves on Aaronson [CCC09], which achieves the same relative to a quantum oracle. By instantiating the oracle with post-quantum candidate obfuscation schemes, we obtain a heuristic construction of copy protection. -We show, roughly, that any program which can be watermarked can be copy detected, a weaker version of copy protection that does not prevent copying, but guarantees that any copying can be detected. Our scheme relies on the security of the assumed watermarking, plus the assumed existence of public key quantum money. Our construction is general, applicable to many recent watermarking schemes.
It is critical to understand the privacy and robustness vulnerabilities of machine learning models, as their implementation expands in scope. In membership inference attacks, adversaries can determine whether a particular set of data was used in trai ning, putting the privacy of the data at risk. Existing work has mostly focused on image related tasks; we generalize this type of attack to speaker identification on audio samples. We demonstrate attack precision of 85.9% and recall of 90.8% for LibriSpeech, and 78.3% precision and 90.7% recall for VOiCES (Voices Obscured in Complex Environmental Settings). We find that implementing defenses such as prediction obfuscation, defensive distillation or adversarial training, can reduce attack accuracy to chance.
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