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Dynamics and microinstabilities at perpendicular collisionless shock: A comparison of large-scale two-dimensional full particle simulations with different ion to electron mass ratio

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 نشر من قبل Ryo Yamazaki
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Large-scale two-dimensional (2D) full particle-in-cell simulations are carried out for studying the relationship between the dynamics of a perpendicular shock and microinstabilities generated at the shock foot. The structure and dynamics of collisionless shocks are generally determined by Alfven Mach number and plasma beta, while microinstabilities at the shock foot are controlled by the ratio of the upstream bulk velocity to the electron thermal velocity and the ratio of the plasma-to-cyclotron frequency. With a fixed Alfven Mach number and plasma beta, the ratio of the upstream bulk velocity to the electron thermal velocity is given as a function of the ion-to-electron mass ratio. The present 2D full PIC simulations with a relatively low Alfven Mach number (M_A ~ 6) show that the modified two-stream instability is dominant with higher ion-to-electron mass ratios. It is also confirmed that waves propagating downstream are more enhanced at the shock foot near the shock ramp as the mass ratio becomes higher. The result suggests that these waves play a role in the modification of the dynamics of collisionless shocks through the interaction with shock front ripples.

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We investigate ion-scale kinetic plasma instabilities at the collisionless shock using linear theory and nonlinear Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulations. We focus on the Alfven-ion-cyclotron (AIC), mirror, and Weibel instabilities, which are all driven unstable by the effective temperature anisotropy induced by the shock-reflected ions within the transition layer of a strictly perpendicular shock. We conduct linear dispersion analysis with a homogeneous plasma model to mimic the shock transition layer by adopting a ring distribution with finite thermal spread to represent the velocity distribution of the reflected ions. We find that, for wave propagation parallel to the ambient magnetic field, the AIC instability at lower Alfven Mach numbers tends to transition to the Weibel instability at higher Alfven Mach numbers. The instability property is, however, also strongly affected by the sound Mach number. We conclude that the instability at a strong shock with Alfven and sound Mach numbers both in excess of $sim 20{rm -}40$ may be considered as Weibel-like in the sense that the reflected ions behave essentially unmagnetized. Two-dimensional PIC simulations confirm the linear theory and find that, with typical parameters of young supernova remnant shocks, the ring distribution model produces magnetic fluctuations of the order of the background magnetic field, which is smaller than those observed in previous PIC simulations for Weibel-dominated shocks. This indicates that the assumption of the gyrotropic reflected ion distribution may not be adequate to quantitatively predict nonlinear behaviors of the dynamics in high Mach number shocks.
A two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation is performed to investigate weakly magnetized perpendicular shocks with a magnetization parameter of 6 x 10^-5, which is equivalent to a high Alfven Mach number M_A of ~130. It is shown that current filam ents form in the foot region of the shock due to the ion-beam--Weibel instability (or the ion filamentation instability) and that they generate a strong magnetic field there. In the downstream region, these current filaments also generate a tangled magnetic field that is typically 15 times stronger than the upstream magnetic field. The thermal energies of electrons and ions in the downstream region are not in equipartition and their temperature ratio is T_e / T_i ~ 0.3 - 0.4. Efficient electron acceleration was not observed in our simulation, although a fraction of the ions are accelerated slightly on reflection at the shock. The simulation results agree very well with the Rankine-Hugoniot relations. It is also shown that electrons and ions are heated in the foot region by the Buneman instability (for electrons) and the ion-acoustic instability (for both electrons and ions). However, the growth rate of the Buneman instability is significantly reduced due to the relatively high temperature of the reflected ions. For the same reason, ion-ion streaming instability does not grow in the foot region.
Using the field-particle correlation technique, we examine the particle energization in a 1D-2V continuum Vlasov--Maxwell simulation of a perpendicular magnetized collisionless shock. The combination of the field-particle correlation technique with t he high fidelity representation of the particle distribution function provided by a direct discretization of the Vlasov equation allows us to ascertain the details of the exchange of energy between the electromagnetic fields and the particles in phase space. We identify the velocity-space signatures of shock-drift acceleration of the ions and adiabatic heating of the electrons due to the perpendicular collisionless shock by constructing a simplified model with the minimum ingredients necessary to produce the observed energization signatures in the self-consistent Vlasov-Maxwell simulation. We are thus able to completely characterize the energy transfer in the perpendicular collisionless shock considered here and provide predictions for the application of the field-particle correlation technique to spacecraft measurements of collisionless shocks.
Collisionless shocks play an important role in space and astrophysical plasmas by irreversibly converting the energy of the incoming supersonic plasma flows into other forms, including plasma heat, particle acceleration, and electromagnetic field ene rgy. Here we present the application of the field-particle correlation technique to an idealized perpendicular magnetized collisionless shock to understand the transfer of energy from the incoming flow into ion and electron energy through the structure of the shock. The connection between a Lagrangian perspective following particle trajectories, and an Eulerian perspective observing the net energization of the distribution of particles, illuminates the energy transfer mechanisms. Using the field-particle correlation analysis, we identify the velocity-space signature of shock-drift acceleration of the ions in the shock foot, as well as the velocity-space signature of adiabatic electron heating through the shock ramp.
The nature of the magnetic structure arising from ion specular reflection in shock compression studies is examined by means of 1d particle in cell simulations. Propagation speed, field profiles and supporting currents for this magnetic structure are shown to be consistent with a magnetosonic soliton. Coincidentally, this structure and its evolution are typical of foot structures observed in perpendicular shock reformation. To reconcile these two observations, we propose, for the first time, that shock reformation can be explained as the result of the formation, growth and subsequent transition to a super-critical shock of a magnetosonic soliton. This argument is further supported by the remarkable agreement found between the period of the soliton evolution cycle and classical reformation results. This new result suggests that the unique properties of solitons can be used to shed new light on the long-standing issue of shock non-stationarity and its role on particle acceleration.
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