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B decays to radially excited D

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 نشر من قبل Benoit Blossier
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
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We discuss the possibility to measure in present experiments, especially LHCb, the non leptonic decay branching ratio $B to D pi$, and emphasize phenomenological implications on $B to D l u$ semileptonic decay. We have estimated by lattice QCD the $D$ decay constant $f_{D}$ that parameterizes the $D$ emission contribution to the Class-III non leptonic decay $B^- to D^0 pi^-$. In addition, we provide a new estimate of the decay constants $f_{D_{s,q}}$ which read $f_{D_{s}}=252(3)$ MeV and $f_{D_{s}}/f_{D}=1.23(1)(1)$.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Recently, many new excited states of heavy mesons, especially the radially excited states, are discovered. The study of the production processes of these states from the ground b-flavored mesons is of interest. In this paper, we use the improved Beth e-Salpeter method to study the semi-leptonic and non-leptonic decays of $B$, $B_s$, and $B_c$ mesons, where the final states are focused on the radial excited $2S$ and $3S$ states. We find that many channels have branching ratios up to $10^{-4}$, which are within the detection accuracy of current experiments.
We compute the decays ${Bto D^ast_0}$ and ${Bto D^ast_2}$ with finite masses for the $b$ and $c$ quarks. We first discuss the spectral properties of both the $B$ meson as a function of its momentum and of the $D^ast_0$ and $D^ast_2$ at rest. We compu te the theoretical formulae leading to the decay amplitudes from the three-point and two-point correlators. We then compute the amplitudes at zero recoil of ${Bto D^ast_0}$ which turns out not to be vanishing contrary to what happens in the heavy quark limit. This opens a possibility to get a better agreement with experiment. To improve the continuum limit we have added a set of data with smaller lattice spacing. The ${Bto D^ast_2}$ vanishes at zero recoil and we show a convincing signal but only slightly more than 1 sigma from 0. In order to reach quantitatively significant results, we plan to fully exploit smaller lattice spacings as well as another lattice regularization.
Radiative decays of bottomonium are revisited, focusing on contributions from higher-order relativistic effects. The leading relativistic correction to the magnetic spin-flip operator at the photon vertex is found to be particularly important. The co mbination of O(v^6) effects in the nonrelativistic QCD action and in the transition operator moves previous lattice results for excited Upsilon decays into agreement with experiment.
266 - G. Vuagnin 2000
The e+e- annihilation data recorded with the BABAR detector has been used to study B^0 decays to Ds^(*)+ and D^*-$ mesons. The production fraction of inclusive Ds^(*)+ and the corresponding momentum spectra have been determined. Exclusive decays B^0 --> D^*- Ds^(*)+ have been identified with a partial reconstruction technique and their branching ratios have been measured. Fully reconstructed B^0 decays in the hadronic modes B^0 --> D^*- pi+ andB^0 --> D^*- rho+ have been also studied and the measurement of their absolute branching fractions is reported.
With the advent of the LHC, we will be able to probe New Physics (NP) up to energy scales almost one order of magnitude larger than it has been possible with present accelerator facilities. While direct detection of new particles will be the main ave nue to establish the presence of NP at the LHC, indirect searches will provide precious complementary information, since most probably it will not be possible to measure the full spectrum of new particles and their couplings through direct production. In particular, precision measurements and computations in the realm of flavour physics are expected to play a key role in constraining the unknown parameters of the Lagrangian of any NP model emerging from direct searches at the LHC. The aim of Working Group 2 was twofold: on one hand, to provide a coherent, up-to-date picture of the status of flavour physics before the start of the LHC; on the other hand, to initiate activities on the path towards integrating information on NP from high-pT and flavour data.
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