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Model of the Electronic Structure of Electron-Doped Iron-Based Superconductors: Evidence for Enhanced Spin Fluctuations by Diagonal Electron Hopping

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 نشر من قبل Katsuhiro Suzuki
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a theoretical understanding of the superconducting phase diagram of the electron-doped iron pnictides. We show that, besides the Fermi surface nesting, a peculiar motion of electrons, where the next nearest neighbor (diagonal) hoppings between iron sites dominate over the nearest neighbor ones, plays an important role in the enhancement of the spin fluctuation and thus superconductivity. In the highest $T_c$ materials, the crossover between the Fermi surface nesting and this prioritized diagonal motion regime occurs smoothly with doping, while in relatively low $T_c$ materials, the two regimes are separated and therefore results in a double dome $T_c$ phase diagram.

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We theoretically study the spin fluctuation and superconductivity in La1111 and Sm1111 iron-based superconductors for a wide range of electron doping. When we take into account the band structure variation by electron doping, the hole Fermi surface o riginating from the $d_{X^2-Y^2}$ orbital turns out to be robust against electron doping, and this gives rise to large spin fluctuations and consequently $spm$ pairing even in the heavily doped regime. The stable hole Fermi surface is larger for Sm1111 than for La1111, which can be considered as the origin of the apparent difference in the phase diagram.
Iron arsenide superconductors based on the material LaFeAsO1-xFx are characterized by a two-dimensional Fermi surface (FS) consisting of hole and electron pockets yielding structural and antiferromagnetic transitions at x = 0. Electron doping by subs tituting O2- with F- suppresses these transitions and gives rise to superconductivity with a maximum Tc = 26 K at x = 0.1. However, the over-doped region cannot be accessed due to the poor solubility of F- above x = 0.2. Here we overcome this problem by doping LaFeAsO with hydrogen. We report the phase diagram of LaFeAsO1-xHx (x < 0.53) and, in addition to the conventional superconducting dome seen in LaFeAsO1-xFx, we find a second dome in the range 0.21 < x < 0.53, with a maximum Tc of 36 K at x = 0.3. Density functional theory calculations reveal that the three Fe 3d bands (xy, yz, zx) become degenerate at x = 0.36, whereas the FS nesting is weakened monotonically with x. These results imply that the band degeneracy has an important role to induce high Tc.
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