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Distributed PI-Control with Applications to Power Systems Frequency Control

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 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
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This paper considers a distributed PI-controller for networked dynamical systems. Sufficient conditions for when the controller is able to stabilize a general linear system and eliminate static control errors are presented. The proposed controller is applied to frequency control of power transmission systems. Sufficient stability criteria are derived, and it is shown that the controller parameters can always be chosen so that the frequencies in the closed loop converge to nominal operational frequency. We show that the load sharing property of the generators is maintained, i.e., the input power of the generators is proportional to a controller parameter. The controller is evaluated by simulation on the IEEE 30 bus test network, where its effectiveness is demonstrated.

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In this paper we propose distributed dynamic controllers for sharing both frequency containment and restoration reserves of asynchronous AC systems connected through a multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) grid. The communication structure of the controller is distributed in the sense that only local and neighboring state information is needed, rather than the complete state. We derive sufficient stability conditions, which guarantee that the AC frequencies converge to the nominal frequency. Simultaneously, a global quadratic power generation cost function is minimized. The proposed controller also regulates the voltages of the MTDC grid, asymptotically minimizing a quadratic cost function of the deviations from the nominal DC voltages. The results are valid for distributed cable models of the HVDC grid (e.g. $pi$-links), as well as AC systems of arbitrary number of synchronous machines, each modeled by the swing equation. We also propose a decentralized, communication-free version of the controller. The proposed controllers are tested on a high-order dynamic model of a power system consisting of asynchronous AC grids, modelled as IEEE 14 bus networks, connected through a six-terminal HVDC grid. The performance of the controller is successfully evaluated through simulation.
In this paper, we present distributed controllers for sharing primary and secondary frequency control reserves for asynchronous AC transmission systems, which are connected through a multi-terminal HVDC grid. By using Lyapunov arguments, the equilibr ia of the closed-loop system are shown to be globally asymptotically stable. We quantify the static errors of the voltages and frequencies, and give upper bounds for these errors. It is also shown that the controllers have the property of power sharing, i.e., primary and secondary frequency control reserves are shared fairly amongst the AC systems. The proposed controllers are applied to a high-order dynamic model of of a power system consisting of asynchronous AC grids connected through a six-terminal HVDC grid.
This paper presents a decentralized controller for sharing primary AC frequency control reserves through a multi-terminal HVDC grid. By using Lyapunov arguments, the proposed controller is shown to stabilize the equilibrium of the closed-loop system consisting of the interconnected AC and HVDC grids, given any positive controller gains. The static control errors resulting from the proportional controller are quantified and bounded by analyzing the equilibrium of the closed-loop system. The proposed controller is applied to a test grid consisting of three asynchronous AC areas interconnected by an HVDC grid, and its effectiveness is validated through simulation.
We consider the problem of distributed secondary frequency regulation in power networks such that stability and an optimal power allocation are attained. This is a problem that has been widely studied in the literature, and two main control schemes h ave been proposed, usually referred to as primal-dual and distributed averaging proportional-integral (DAPI) respectively. However, each has its limitations, with the former requiring knowledge of uncontrollable demand, which can be difficult to obtain in real time, and with the existing literature on the latter being based on static models for generation and demand. We propose a novel control scheme that overcomes these issues by making use of generation measurements in the control policy. In particular, our analysis allows distributed stability and optimality guarantees to be deduced with practical measurement requirements and permits a broad range of linear generation dynamics, that can be of higher order, to be incorporated in the power network. We show how the controller parameters can be selected in a computationally efficient way by solving appropriate linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Furthermore, we demonstrate how the proposed analysis applies to several examples of turbine governor models. The practicality of our analysis is demonstrated with simulations on the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) 140-bus system that verify that our proposed controller achieves convergence to the nominal frequency and an economically optimal power allocation.
143 - Pio Ong , Jorge Cortes 2021
This paper proposes a novel framework for resource-aware control design termed performance-barrier-based triggering. Given a feedback policy, along with a Lyapunov function certificate that guarantees its correctness, we examine the problem of design ing its digital implementation through event-triggered control while ensuring a prescribed performance is met and triggers occur as sparingly as possible. Our methodology takes into account the performance residual, i.e., how well the system is doing in regards to the prescribed performance. Inspired by the notion of control barrier function, the trigger design allows the certificate to deviate from monotonically decreasing, with leeway specified as an increasing function of the performance residual, resulting in greater flexibility in prescribing update times. We study different types of performance specifications, with particular attention to quantifying the benefits of the proposed approach in the exponential case. We build on this to design intrinsically Zeno-free distributed triggers for network systems. A comparison of event-triggered approaches in a vehicle platooning problem shows how the proposed design meets the prescribed performance with a significantly lower number of controller updates.
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