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Recent developments in research on catalytic reaction networks

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 نشر من قبل EPTCS
 تاريخ النشر 2013
والبحث باللغة English

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Over the last years, analyses performed on a stochastic model of catalytic reaction networks have provided some indications about the reasons why wet-lab experiments hardly ever comply with the phase transition typically predicted by theoretical models with regard to the emergence of collectively self-replicating sets of molecule (also defined as autocatalytic sets, ACSs), a phenomenon that is often observed in nature and that is supposed to have played a major role in the emergence of the primitive forms of life. The model at issue has allowed to reveal that the emerging ACSs are characterized by a general dynamical fragility, which might explain the difficulty to observe them in lab experiments. In this work, the main results of the various analyses are reviewed, with particular regard to the factors able to affect the generic properties of catalytic reactions network, for what concerns, not only the probability of ACSs to be observed, but also the overall activity of the system, in terms of production of new species, reactions and matter.

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159 - Roberto Serra 2013
In this work we introduce some preliminary analyses on the role of a semi-permeable membrane in the dynamics of a stochastic model of catalytic reaction sets (CRSs) of molecules. The results of the simulations performed on ensembles of randomly gener ated reaction schemes highlight remarkable differences between this very simple protocell description model and the classical case of the continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR). In particular, in the CSTR case, distinct simulations with the same reaction scheme reach the same dynamical equilibrium, whereas, in the protocell case, simulations with identical reaction schemes can reach very different dynamical states, despite starting from the same initial conditions.
262 - Matthew D. Johnston 2013
Many biochemical and industrial applications involve complicated networks of simultaneously occurring chemical reactions. Under the assumption of mass action kinetics, the dynamics of these chemical reaction networks are governed by systems of polyno mial ordinary differential equations. The steady states of these mass action systems have been analysed via a variety of techniques, including elementary flux mode analysis, algebraic techniques (e.g. Groebner bases), and deficiency theory. In this paper, we present a novel method for characterizing the steady states of mass action systems. Our method explicitly links a networks capacity to permit a particular class of steady states, called toric steady states, to topological properties of a related network called a translated chemical reaction network. These networks share their reaction stoichiometries with their source network but are permitted to have different complex stoichiometries and different network topologies. We apply the results to examples drawn from the biochemical literature.
Complexes of physically interacting proteins are one of the fundamental functional units responsible for driving key biological mechanisms within the cell. Their identification is therefore necessary not only to understand complex formation but also the higher level organization of the cell. With the advent of high-throughput techniques in molecular biology, significant amount of physical interaction data has been cataloged from organisms such as yeast, which has in turn fueled computational approaches to systematically mine complexes from the network of physical interactions among proteins (PPI network). In this survey, we review, classify and evaluate some of the key computational methods developed till date for the identification of protein complexes from PPI networks. We present two insightful taxonomies that reflect how these methods have evolved over the years towards improving automated complex prediction. We also discuss some open challenges facing accurate reconstruction of complexes, the crucial ones being presence of high proportion of errors and noise in current high-throughput datasets and some key aspects overlooked by current complex detection methods. We hope this review will not only help to condense the history of computational complex detection for easy reference, but also provide valuable insights to drive further research in this area.
Over the last few years, several computational techniques have been devised to recover protein complexes from the protein interaction (PPI) networks of organisms. These techniques model dense subnetworks within PPI networks as complexes. However, our comprehensive evaluations revealed that these techniques fail to reconstruct many gold standard complexes that are sparse in the networks (only 71 recovered out of 123 known yeast complexes embedded in a network of 9704 interactions among 1622 proteins). In this work, we propose a novel index called Component-Edge (CE) score to quantitatively measure the notion of complex derivability from PPI networks. Using this index, we theoretically categorize complexes as sparse or dense with respect to a given network. We then devise an algorithm SPARC that selectively employs functional interactions to improve the CE scores of predicted complexes, and thereby elevates many of the sparse complexes to dense. This empowers existing methods to detect these sparse complexes. We demonstrate that our approach is effective in reconstructing significantly many complexes missed previously (104 recovered out of the 123 known complexes or ~47% improvement).
We study two specific measures of quality of chemical reaction networks, Precision and Sensitivity. The two measures arise in the study of sensory adaptation, in which the reaction network is viewed as an input-output system. Given a step change in i nput, Sensitivity is a measure of the magnitude of the response, while Precision is a measure of the degree to which the system returns to its original output for large time. High values of both are necessary for high-quality adaptation. We focus on reaction networks without dissipation, which we interpret as detailed-balance, mass-action networks. We give various upper and lower bounds on the optimal values of Sensitivity and Precision, characterized in terms of the stoichiometry, by using a combination of ideas from matroid theory and differential-equation theory. Among other results, we show that this class of non-dissipative systems contains networks with arbitrarily high values of both Sensitivity and Precision. This good performance does come at a cost, however, since certain ratios of concentrations need to be large, the network has to be extensive, or the network should show strongly different time scales.
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