Three-body hadron systems with strangeness

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Recently, many efforts are being put in studying three-hadron systems made of mesons and baryons and interesting results are being found. In this talk, I summarize the main features of the formalism used to study such three hadron systems with strangeness $S=-1,0$ within a framework built on the basis of unitary chiral theories and solution of the Faddeev equations. In particular, I present the results obtained for the $pibar{K}N$, $Kbar{K}N$ and $KKbar{K}$ systems and their respective coupled channels. In the first case, we find four $Sigma$s and two $Lambda$s with spin-parity $J^P=1/2^+$, in the 1500-1800 MeV region, as two meson-one baryon s-wave resonances. In the second case, a $1/2^+$ $N^*$ around 1900 MeV is found. For the last one a kaon close to 1420 MeV is formed, which can be identified with K(1460).

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