Properties of M31. III: Candidate Beat Cepheids from PS1 PAndromeda Data and Their Implication on Metallicity Gradient

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a sample of M31 beat Cepheids from the Pan-STARRS 1 PAndromeda campaign. By analyzing three years of PAndromeda data, we identify seventeen beat Cepheids, spreading from a galactocentric distance of 10 to 16 kpc. Since the relation between fundamental mode period and the ratio of fundamental to the first overtone period puts a tight constraint on metallicity we are able to derive the metallicity at the position of the beat Cepheids using the relations from the model of Buchler (2008). Our metallicity estimates show subsolar values within 15 kpc, similar to the metallicities from HII regions (Zurita & Bresolin 2012). We then use the metallicity estimates to calculate the metallicity gradient of the M31 disk, which we find to be closer to the metallicity gradient derived from planetary nebulae (Kwitter et al. 2012) than the metallicity gradient from HII regions (Zurita & Bresolin 2012).

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