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Curvature of fluctuation geometry and its implications on Riemannian fluctuation theory

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 نشر من قبل Luisberis Velazquez-Abad
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف L. Velazquez

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Fluctuation geometry was recently proposed as a counterpart approach of Riemannian geometry of inference theory. This theory describes the geometric features of the statistical manifold $mathcal{M}$ of random events that are described by a family of continuous distributions $dp(x|theta)$. A main goal of this work is to clarify the statistical relevance of Levi-Civita curvature tensor $R_{ijkl}(x|theta)$ of the statistical manifold $mathcal{M}$. For this purpose, the notion of emph{irreducible statistical correlations} is introduced. Specifically, a distribution $dp(x|theta)$ exhibits irreducible statistical correlations if every distribution $dp(check{x}|theta)$ obtained from $dp(x|theta)$ by considering a coordinate change $check{x}=phi(x)$ cannot be factorized into independent distributions as $dp(check{x}|theta)=prod_{i}dp^{(i)}(check{x}^{i}|theta)$. It is shown that the curvature tensor $R_{ijkl}(x|theta)$ arises as a direct indicator about the existence of irreducible statistical correlations. Moreover, the curvature scalar $R(x|theta)$ allows to introduce a criterium for the applicability of the emph{gaussian approximation} of a given distribution function. This type of asymptotic result is obtained in the framework of the second-order geometric expansion of the distributions family $dp(x|theta)$, which appears as a counterpart development of the high-order asymptotic theory of statistical estimation. In physics, fluctuation geometry represents the mathematical apparatus of a Riemannian extension for Einsteins fluctuation theory of statistical mechanics. Some exact results of fluctuation geometry are now employed to derive the emph{invariant fluctuation theorems}.

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اقرأ أيضاً

95 - C. Maes , K. Netocny 2006
The minimum entropy production principle provides an approximative variational characterization of close-to-equilibrium stationary states, both for macroscopic systems and for stochastic models. Analyzing the fluctuations of the empirical distributio n of occupation times for a class of Markov processes, we identify the entropy production as the large deviation rate function, up to leading order when expanding around a detailed balance dynamics. In that way, the minimum entropy production principle is recognized as a consequence of the structure of dynamical fluctuations, and its approximate character gets an explanation. We also discuss the subtlety emerging when applying the principle to systems whose degrees of freedom change sign under kinematical time-reversal.
116 - L Velazquez 2011
Starting from an axiomatic perspective, emph{fluctuation geometry} is developed as a counterpart approach of inference geometry. This approach is inspired on the existence of a notable analogy between the general theorems of emph{inference theory} an d the the emph{general fluctuation theorems} associated with a parametric family of distribution functions $dp(I|theta)=rho(I|theta)dI$, which describes the behavior of a set of emph{continuous stochastic variables} driven by a set of control parameters $theta$. In this approach, statistical properties are rephrased as purely geometric notions derived from the emph{Riemannian structure} on the manifold $mathcal{M}_{theta}$ of stochastic variables $I$. Consequently, this theory arises as an alternative framework for applying the powerful methods of differential geometry for the statistical analysis. Fluctuation geometry has direct implications on statistics and physics. This geometric approach inspires a Riemannian reformulation of Einstein fluctuation theory as well as a geometric redefinition of the information entropy for a continuous distribution.
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