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Three-BMN Correlation Functions: Integrability vs. String Field Theory One-Loop Mismatch

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 نشر من قبل Andrey Zayakin
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We compare calculations of the three-point correlation functions of BMN operators at the one-loop (next-to-leading) order in the scalar SU(2) sector from the integrability expression recently suggested by Gromov and Vieira, and from the string field theory expression based on the effective interaction vertex by Dobashi and Yoneya. A disagreement is found between the form-factors of the correlation functions in the one-loop contributions. The order-of-limits problem is suggested as a possible explanation of this discrepancy.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We revisit the evaluation of one-loop modular integrals in string theory, employing new methods that, unlike the traditional orbit method, keep T-duality manifest throughout. In particular, we apply the Rankin-Selberg-Zagier approach to cases where t he integrand function grows at most polynomially in the IR. Furthermore, we introduce new techniques in the case where `unphysical tachyons contribute to the one-loop couplings. These methods can be viewed as a modular invariant version of dimensional regularisation. As an example, we treat one-loop BPS-saturated couplings involving the $d$-dimensional Narain lattice and the invariant Klein $j$-function, and relate them to (shifted) constrained Epstein Zeta series of O(d,d;Z). In particular, we recover the well-known results for d=2 in a few easy steps.
105 - Shota Komatsu 2019
This is a write-up of the lectures given in Young Researchers Integrability School 2017. The main goal is to explain the connection between the ODE/IM correspondence and the classical integrability of strings in AdS. As a warm up, we first discuss th e classical three-point function of the Liouville theory. The starting point is the well-known fact that the classical solutions to the Liouville equation can be constructed by solving a Schrodinger-like differential equation. We then convert it into a set of functional equations using a method similar to the ODE/IM correspondence. The classical three-point functions can be computed directly from these functional equations, and the result matches with the classical limit of the celebrated DOZZ formula. We then discuss the semi-classical three-point function of strings in AdS2 and show that one can apply a similar idea by making use of the classical integrability of the string sigma model on AdS2. The result is given in terms of the massive generalization of Gamma functions, which show up also in string theory on pp-wave backgrounds and the twistorial generalization of topological string.
We explore and exploit the relation between non-planar correlators in ${cal N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills, and higher-genus closed string amplitudes in type IIB string theory. By conformal field theory techniques we construct the genus-one, four-point strin g amplitude in AdS$_5times S^5$ in the low-energy expansion, dual to an ${cal N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills correlator in the t Hooft limit at order $1/c^2$ in a strong coupling expansion. In the flat space limit, this maps onto the genus-one, four-point scattering amplitude for type II closed strings in ten dimensions. Using this approach we reproduce several results obtained via string perturbation theory. We also demonstrate a novel mechanism to fix subleading terms in the flat space limit of AdS amplitudes by using string/M-theory.
We develop a general method of computing the contribution of the vertex operators to the semi-classical correlation functions of heavy string states, based on the state-operator correspondence and the integrable structure of the system. Our method re quires only the knowledge of the local behavior of the saddle point configuration around each vertex insertion point and can be applied to cases where the precise forms of the vertex operators are not known. As an important application, we compute the contributions of the vertex operators to the three-point functions of the large spin limit of the Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov (GKP) strings in $AdS_3$ spacetime, left unevaluated in our previous work [arXiv:1110.3949] which initiated such a study. Combining with the finite part of the action already computed previously and with the newly evaluated divergent part of the action, we obtain finite three-point functions with the expected dependence of the target space boundary coordinates on the dilatation charge and the spin.
The recent discovery of two-dimensional Dirac materials, such as graphene and transition-metaldichalcogenides, has raised questions about the treatment of hybrid systems, in which electrons moving in a two-dimensional plane interact via virtual photo ns from the three-dimensional space. In this case, a projected non-local theory, known as Pseudo-QED, or reduced QED, has shown to provide a correct framework for describing the interactions displayed by these systems. In a related situation, in planar materials exhibiting a superconducting phase, the electromagnetic field has a typical exponential decay that is interpreted as the photons having an effective mass, as a consequence of the Anderson-Higgs mechanism. Here, we use an analogous projection to that used to obtain the pseudo-QED to derive a Pseudo-Proca equivalent model. In terms of this model, we unveil the main effects of attributing a mass to the photons and to the quasi-relativistic electrons. The one-loop radiative corrections to the electron mass, to the photon and to the electron-photon vertex are computed. We calculate the quantum corrections to the electron g-factor and show that it smoothly goes to zero in the limit when the photon mass is much larger than the electron mass. In addition, we correct the results obtained for graphene within Pseudo-QED in the limit when the photon mass vanishes.
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