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Search for the Lepton Flavor Violation Process $J/psi to emu$ at BESIII

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 نشر من قبل Zhenya He
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
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We search for the lepton-flavor-violating decay of the $J/psi$ into an electron and a muon using $(225.3pm2.8)times 10^{6}$ $J/psi$ events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. Four candidate events are found in the signal region, consistent with background expectations. An upper limit on the branching fraction of $mathcal{B}(J/psi to emu)< 1.5 times 10^{-7}$ (90% C.L.) is obtained.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The search for lepton-flavor-violation process e^+e^-to emu in the energy region sqrt{s}=984 - 1060 MeV with SND detector at VEPP-2M e^+e^- collider is reported. The model independent 90% CL upper limits on the e^+e^-to emu cross section, sigma_{emu} < 11 pb, as well as on the corresponding phito emu branching fraction, B(phito emu) < 2 times 10^{-6}, for the final particles polar angles 55^circ<theta<125^circ, were obtained.
The lepton flavor violating process $J/psito ll (l eq l)$ serves as an ideal place to probe the unparticle theory. Such process can only occur at loop level in the Standard model (SM), so that should be very suppressed, by contrast in unparticle scen ario, it happens at tree level and its contribution may be sizable for practical measurement. Moreover, the BESIII will offer the largest database on $J/psi$ which makes more accurate measurements possible. Furthermore, for such purely leptonic decays background is relatively low and signal would be cleaner. Our work carefully investigates the possibility of observing such processes from both theoretical and experimental aspects.
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The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the charged lepton flavor violating process of neutrino-less $mu to e$ coherent conversion in the field of an aluminum nucleus. About $7 cdot 10^{17}$ muons, provided by a dedicated muon beam line in co nstruction at Fermilab, will be stopped in 3 years in the aluminum target. The corresponding single event sensitivity will be $2.5cdot 10^{-17}$. In this paper a brief overview of the physics explored by the $mu to e$ conversion is given, followed by a description of the Mu2e experimental apparatus and the expected detector performance.
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A search for lepton flavor violating decays, kmmp, keep, kpem, kmep and pizem, was performed using the data collected in E865 at the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchrotron. No signal was found in any of the decay modes. At the 90% confidence lev el, the branching ratios are less than $3.0times10^{-9}$, $6.4times10^{-10}$, $5.2times10^{-10}$, $5.0times10^{-10}$ and $3.4times10^{-9}$ respectively.
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