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We upgraded the chemical network from the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry 2006 to include isotopes such as ^{13}C and ^{18}O. This includes all corresponding isotopologues, their chemical reactions and the properly scaled reaction rate coefficients. We study the fractionation behavior of astrochemically relevant species over a wide range of model parameters, relevant for modelling of photo-dissociation regions (PDRs). We separately analyze the fractionation of the local abundances, fractionation of the total column densities, and fractionation visible in the emission line ratios. We find that strong C^+ fractionation is possible in cool C^+ gas. Optical thickness as well as excitation effects produce intensity ratios between 40 and 400. The fractionation of CO in PDRs is significantly different from the diffuse interstellar medium. PDR model results never show a fractionation ratio of the CO column density larger than the elemental ratio. Isotope-selective photo-dissociation is always dominated by the isotope-selective chemistry in dense PDR gas. The fractionation of C, CH, CH^+, and HCO^+ is studied in detail, showing that the fractionation of C, CH and CH^+ is dominated by the fractionation of their parental species. The light hydrides chemically derive from C^+, and, consequently, their fractionation state is coupled to that of C^+. The fractionation of C is a mixed case depending on whether formation from CO or HCO^+ dominates. Ratios of the emission lines of [C II], [C I], ^{13}CO, and H^{13}CO^+ provide individual diagnostics to the fractionation status of C^+, C, and CO.
C-fractionation has been studied from a theoretical point of view with different models of time-dependent chemistry, including both isotope-selective photodissociation and low-temperature isotopic exchange reactions. Recent chemical models predict th
We investigate the gas-phase and grain-surface chemistry in the inner 30 AU of a typical protoplanetary disk using a new model which calculates the gas temperature by solving the gas heating and cooling balance and which has an improved treatment of
Context. The increased sensitivity and high spectral resolution of millimeter telescopes allow the detection of an increasing number of isotopically substituted molecules in the interstellar medium. The 14N/ 15N ratio is difficult to measure directly
Using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), we have obtained accurate measurements of the $^{14}$N/$^{15}$N isotopic ratio in ammonia in two nearby cold, dense molecular clouds, Barnard~1 and NGC 1333. The $^{14}$N/$^{15}$N ratio in Barnard~1, $334 pm 50$
We have developed the first gas-grain chemical model for oxygen fractionation (also including sulphur fractionation) in dense molecular clouds, demonstrating that gas-phase chemistry generates variable oxygen fractionation levels, with a particularly