Indecomposable finite-dimensional representations of a class of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In the article at hand, we sketch how, by utilizing nilpotency to its fullest extent (Engel, Super Engel) while using methods from the theory of universal enveloping algebras, a complete description of the indecomposable representations may be reached. In practice, the combinatorics is still formidable, though. It turns out that the method applies to both a class of ordinary Lie algebras and to a similar class of Lie superalgebras. Besides some examples, due to the level of complexity we will only describe a few precise results. One of these is a complete classification of which ideals can occur in the enveloping algebra of the translation subgroup of the Poincare group. Equivalently, this determines all indecomposable representations with a single, 1-dimensional source. Another result is the construction of an infinite-dimensional family of inequivalent representations already in dimension 12. This is much lower than the 24-dimensional representations which were thought to be the lowest possible. The complexity increases considerably, though yet in a manageable fashion, in the supersymmetric setting. Besides a few examples, only a subclass of ideals of the enveloping algebra of the super Poincare algebra will be determined in the present article.

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