A significant fraction of the hot Jupiters with final circularized orbital periods of less than 5 days are thought to form through the channel of high-eccentricity migration. Tidal dissipation at successive periastron passages removes orbital energy of the planet, which has the potential for changes in semi-major axis of a factor of ten to a thousand. In the equilibrium tide approximation we show that, in order for high-eccentricity migration to take place, the relative level of tidal dissipation in Jupiter analogues must be at least 10 times higher than the upper-limit attributed to the Jupiter-Io interaction. While this is not a severe problem for high-e migration, it contradicts the results of several previous calculations. We show that these calculations of high-e migration inadvertently over-estimated the strength of tidal dissipation by three to four orders of magnitude. These discrepancies were obscured by the use of various parameters, such as lag time tau, tidal quality factor Q and viscous time t_V. We provide the values of these parameters required for the Jupiter-Io interaction, tidal circularization and high-e migration. Implications for tidal theory as well as models of the inflated radii of hot Jupiters are discussed. Though the tidal Q is not, in general, well-defined, we derive a formula for it during high-eccentricity migration where Q is approximately constant throughout evolution.
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