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Slow-scan Observations with the Infrared Camera (IRC) on-board AKARI

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 نشر من قبل Satoshi Takita
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the characterization and calibration of the slow-scan observation mode of the Infrared Camera (IRC) on-board AKARI. The IRC slow-scan observations were operated at the S9W (9 $mu$m) and L18W (18 $mu$m) bands. We have developed a toolkit for data reduction of the IRC slow-scan observations. We introduced a self-pointing reconstruction method to improve the positional accuracy to as good as 1. The sizes of the point spread functions were derived to be $sim6$ at the S9W band and $sim7$ at the L18W bands in full width at half maximum. The flux calibrations were achieved with the observations of 3 and 4 infrared standard stars at the S9W and L18W bands, respectively. The flux uncertainties are estimated to be better than 20% from comparisons with the AKARI IRC PSC and the WISE preliminary catalog.

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We present an asteroidal catalog from the mid-infrared wavelength region using the slow-scan observation mode obtained by the Infrared Camera (IRC) on-board the Japanese infrared satellite AKARI. An archive of IRC slow-scan observations comprising ab out 1000 images was used to search for serendipitous encounters of known asteroids. We have determined the geometric albedos and diameters for 88 main-belt asteroids, including two asteroids in the Hilda region, and compared these, where possible, with previously published values. Approximately one-third of the acquired data reflects new asteroidal information. Some bodies classified as C or D-type with high albedo were also identified in the catalog.
142 - Youichi Ohyama 2007
The Infrared Camera (IRC) is one of the two instruments on board the AKARI satellite. In addition to deep imaging from 1.8-26.5um for the pointed observation mode of the AKARI, it has a spectroscopic capability in its spectral range. By replacing the imaging filters by transmission-type dispersers on the filter wheels, it provides low-resolution (lambda/d_lambda ~ 20-120) spectroscopy with slits or in a wide imaging field-of-view (approximately 10X10). The IRC spectroscopic mode is unique in space infrared missions in that it has the capability to perform sensitive wide-field spectroscopic surveys in the near- and mid-infrared wavelength ranges. This paper describes specifications of the IRC spectrograph and its in-orbit performance.
Mid-infrared images frequently suffer artifacts and extended point spread functions (PSFs). We investigate the characteristics of the artifacts and the PSFs in images obtained with the Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard AKARI at four mid-infrared bands of the S7 (7{mu}m), S11 (11{mu}m), L15 (15{mu}m), and L24 (24 {mu}m). Removal of the artifacts significantly improves the reliability of the ref- erence data for flat-fielding at the L15 and L24 bands. A set of models of the IRC PSFs is also constructed from on-orbit data. These PSFs have extended components that come from diffraction and scattering within the detector arrays. We estimate the aperture correction factors for point sources and the surface brightness correction factors for diffuse sources. We conclude that the surface brightness correction factors range from 0.95 to 0.8, taking account of the extended component of the PSFs. To correct for the extended PSF effects for the study of faint structures, we also develop an image reconstruction method, which consists of the deconvolution with the PSF and the convolution with an appropriate Gaussian. The appropriate removal of the artifacts, improved flat-fielding, and image reconstruction with the extended PSFs enable us to investigate de- tailed structures of extended sources in IRC mid-infrared images.
166 - Daisuke Ishihara 2010
Context : AKARI is the first Japanese astronomical satellite dedicated to infrar ed astronomy. One of the main purposes of AKARI is the all-sky survey performed with six infrared bands between 9 and 200um during the period from 2006 May 6 to 2007 A ugust 28. In this paper, we present the mid-infrared part (9um and 18um b ands) of the survey carried out with one of the on-board instruments, the Infrar ed Camera (IRC). Aims : We present unprecedented observational results of the 9 and 18um AKARI al l-sky survey and detail the operation and data processing leading to the point s ource detection and measurements. Methods : The raw data are processed to produce small images for every scan and point sources candidates, above the 5-sigma noise level per single scan, are der ived. The celestial coordinates and fluxes of the events are determined statisti cally and the reliability of their detections is secured through multiple detect ions of the same source within milli-seconds, hours, and months from each other. Results : The sky coverage is more than 90% for both bands. A total of 877,091 s ources (851,189 for 9um, 195,893 for 18um) are confirmed and included in the cur rent release of the point source catalogue. The detection limit for point source s is 50mJy and 90mJy for the 9um and 18um bands, respectively. The position accu racy is estimated to be better than 2. Uncertainties in the in-flight absolute flux calibration are estimated to be 3% for the 9um band and 4% for the 18um ban d. The coordinates and fluxes of detected sources in this survey are also compar ed with those of the IRAS survey and found to be statistically consistent.
201 - T. Onaka , H. Matsuhara , T. Wada 2007
The Infrared Camera (IRC) is one of two focal-plane instruments on the AKARI satellite. It is designed for wide-field deep imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy in the near- to mid-infrared (1.8--26.5um) in the pointed observation mode of AKARI. IR C is also operated in the survey mode to make an all-sky survey at 9 and 18um. It comprises three channels. The NIR channel (1.8--5.5um) employs a 512 x 412 InSb array, whereas both the MIR-S (4.6--13.4um) and MIR-L (12.6--26.5um) channels use 256 x 256 Si:As impurity band conduction arrays. Each of the three channels has a field-of-view of about 10 x 10 and are operated simultaneously. The NIR and MIR-S share the same field-of-view by virtue of a beam splitter. The MIR-L observes the sky about $25 away from the NIR/MIR-S field-of-view. IRC gives us deep insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies, the evolution of planetary disks, the process of star-formation, the properties of interstellar matter under various physical conditions, and the nature and evolution of solar system objects. The in-flight performance of IRC has been confirmed to be in agreement with the pre-flight expectation. This paper summarizes the design and the in-flight operation and imaging performance of IRC.
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