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Magneto-elastic coupling and competing entropy changes in substituted CoMnSi metamagnets

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 نشر من قبل Karl Sandeman
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We use neutron diffraction, magnetometry and low temperature heat capacity to probe giant magneto-elastic coupling in CoMnSi-based antiferromagnets and to establish the origin of the entropy change that occurs at the metamagnetic transition in such compounds. We find a large difference between the electronic density of states of the antiferromagnetic and high magnetisation states. The magnetic field-induced entropy change is composed of this contribution and a significant counteracting lattice component, deduced from the presence of negative magnetostriction. In calculating the electronic entropy change, we note the importance of using an accurate model of the electronic density of states, which here varies rapidly close to the Fermi energy.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We have used in-field neutron and X-ray single crystal diffraction to measure the incommensurability δ of the crystal and magnetic structure of multiferroic TbMnO3 . We show that the flop in the electric polarization at the critical field HC, fo r field H along the a− and b−axis coincides with a 1st order transition to a commensurate phase with propagation vector κ = (0, 1/4, 0). In-field X-ray diffraction measurements show that the quadratic magneto-elastic coupling breaks down with applied field as shown by the observation of the 1st harmonic lattice reflections above and below HC . This indicates that magnetic field induces a linear magneto-elastic coupling. We argue that the commensurate phase can be described by an ordering of Mn-O-Mn bond angles.
We report an ultrasonic investigation of the elastic moduli on a single crystal of hexagonal YMnO_3 as a function of temperature. Stiffening anomalies in the antiferromagnetic Neel state below T_N = 72.4 K are observed on all the four elastic moduli C_{ii}. The anomalies are the most important on C_{11} and C_{66} for in-plane elastic deformations; this is consistent with a strong coupling of the lattice with the in-plane exchange interactions. We use a Landau free energy model to account for these elastic anomalies. We derive an expression which relates the temperature profile of the anomaly to the order parameter; the critical exponent associated to this parameter $beta$ = 0.42 is not consistent with a chiral XY or 3D Heisenberg universality class, but more in agreement with a conventional antiferromagnetic long range order. A tiny softening anomaly on C_{11} for which hysteresis effects are observed could be indicative of an interaction between ferroelectric and magnetic domains at T_N. Moreover, magnetic fluctuations effects both above and below T_N are identified through abnormal temperature and magnetic field effects.
Identifying and characterizing systems with coupled and competing interactions is central to the development of physical models that can accurately describe and predict emergent behavior in condensed matter systems. This work demonstrates that the me tallic compound CuFe$_2$Ge$_2$ has competing magnetic ground states, which are shown to be strongly coupled to the lattice and easily manipulated using temperature and applied magnetic fields. Temperature-dependent magnetization $M$ measurements reveal a ferromagnetic-like onset at 228(1),K and a broad maximum in $M$ near 180,K. Powder neutron diffraction confirms antiferromagnetic ordering below $T_{textrm{N}}approx$175,K, and an incommensurate spin density wave is observed below $approx$125,K. Coupled with the small refined moments (0.5-1,$mu_B$/Fe), this provides a picture of itinerant magnetism in CuFe$_2$Ge$_2$. The neutron diffraction data also reveal a coexistence of two magnetic phases that further highlights the near-degeneracy of various magnetic states. These results demonstrate that the ground state in CuFe$_2$Ge$_2$ can be easily manipulated by external forces, making it of particular interest for doping, pressure, and further theoretical studies.
The consequences of coupling magnetic and elastic degrees of freedom, where spins and deformations are carried by point-like objects subject to local interactions, are studied, theoretically and by detailed numerical simulations. From the constrained Lagrangians we derive consistent equations of motion for the coupled dynamical variables. In order to probe the dynamics of such a system, we consider external perturbations, such as spin transfer torques for the magnetic part, and homogeneous stresses for the elastic part, associated to their corresponding damping. This approach is applied to the study of ultrafast switching processes in anti-ferromagnetic systems, which have recently attracted attention as candidates for anti-ferromagnetic spintronic devices. Our strategy is then checked in simple, but instructive, situations. We carried out numerical experiments to study, in particular, how the magnetostrictive coupling and external stresses affect the nature of the switching processes in a prototype anti-ferromagnetic material.
149 - Taner Yildirim 2009
We present a detailed first principles study of Fe-pnictides with particular emphasis on competing magnetic interactions, structural phase transition, giant magneto-elastic coupling and its effect on phonons. The exchange interactions $J_{i,j}(R)$ ar e calculated up to $approx 12 $AA $. We find that $J_{i,j}(R)$ has an oscillatory character with an envelop decaying as $1/R^3$ along the stripe-direction while it is very short range along the diagonal direction and antiferromagnetic. A brief discussion of the neutron scattering determination of these exchange constants from a single crystal sample with orthorhombic twinning is given. The lattice parameter dependence of the exchange constants, $dJ_{i,j}/da$ are calculated for a simple spin-Peierls like model to explain the fine details of the tetragonal-orthorhombic phase transition. We then discuss giant magneto-elastic effects in these systems. We show that when the Fe-spin is turned off the optimized c-values are shorter than experimetnal values by 1.4 AA $ $ for CaFe$_2$As$_2$, by 0.4 AA $ $ for BaFe$_2$As$_2$, and by 0.13 AA $ $ for LaOFeAs. Finally, we show that Fe-spin is also required to obtain the right phonon energies, in particular As c-polarized and Fe-Fe in-plane modes. Since treating iron as magnetic ion always gives much better results than non-magnetic ones and since there is no large c-axis reduction during the normal to superconducting phase transition, the iron magnetic moment should be present in Fe-pnictides at all times. We discuss the implications of our results on the mechanism of superconductivity in these fascinating Fe-pnictide systems.
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