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Transversal Magnetic Anisotropy in Nanoscale PdNi-Strips

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 نشر من قبل Andreas K. H\\\"uttel
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate submicron ferromagnetic PdNi thin-film strips intended as contact electrodes for carbon nanotube-based spintronic devices. The magnetic anisotropy and micromagnetic structure are measured as function of temperature and aspect ratio. Contrary to the expectation from shape anisotropy, magnetic hysteresis measurements of Pd0.3Ni0.7 on arrays containing strips of various width point towards a magnetically easy axis in the sample plane, but transversal to the strip direction. Anisotropic magnetoresistance measured on individual Pd0.3Ni0.7 contact strips and magnetic force microscopy images substantiate that conclusion.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We have synthesized nanoscale magnetic compasses with high yield. These ferromagnetic iron carbide nano-particles, which are encapsulated in a pair of parallel carbon needles, change their direction in response to an external magnetic field. Electron holography reveals magnetic fields confined to the vicinity of the bicone-shaped particles, which are composed of few ferromagnetic domains. Aligned magnetically and encapsulated in an acrylate polymer matrix, these nanocompasses exhibit anisotropic bulk magnetic permeability with an easy axis normal to the needle direction, that can be understood as a result of the anisotropic demagnetizing field of a nonspherical single-domain particle. This novel material with orthogonal magnetic and structural axes could be highly useful as magnetic components in electromagnetic wave absorbent materials and magnetorheological fluids.
We report on a method to tune the orientation of in-plane magnetic domains and domain walls in thin ferromagnetic strips by manipulating the magnetic anisotropy. Uniaxial in-plane anisotropy is induced in a controlled way by oblique evaporation of ma gnetic thin strips. A direct correlation between the magnetization direction and the domain wall orientation is found experimentally and confirmed by micromagnetic simulations. The domain walls in the strips are always oriented along the oblique evaporation-induced easy axis, in spite of the shape anisotropy. The controlled manipulation of domain wall orientations could open new possibilities for novel devices based on domain-wall propagation.
The distribution of scattering delay times is analyzed for classical electrons which are transmitted through a finite waveguide. For non-zero magnetic field the distribution shows a regular pattern of maxima (logarithmic singularities). Although thei r location follows from a simple commensurability condition, there is no straightforward geometric explanation of this self-pulsing effect. Rather it can be understood as a time-dependent analog of transverse magnetic focusing, in terms of the stationary points of the delay time. We also discuss the possibility of singularities in the delay-time distribution for generic 2D scattering systems.
108 - Dawei Li , Shuo Sun , Zhiyong Xiao 2021
The low in-plane symmetry in layered 1T-ReS$_2$ results in strong band anisotropy, while its manifestation in the electronic properties is challenging to resolve due to the lack of effective approaches for controlling the local current path. In this work, we reveal the giant transport anisotropy in monolayer to four-layer ReS$_2$ by creating directional conducting paths via nanoscale ferroelectric control. By reversing the polarization of a ferroelectric polymer top layer, we induce conductivity switching ratio of >1.5x10$^8$ in the ReS$_2$ channel at 300 K. Characterizing the domain-defined conducting nanowires in an insulating background shows that the conductivity ratio between the directions along and perpendicular to the Re-chain can exceed 7.9x10$^4$. Theoretical modeling points to the band origin of the transport anomaly, and further reveals the emergence of a flat band in few-layer ReS$_2$. Our work paves the path for implementing the highly anisotropic 2D materials for designing novel collective phenomena and electron lensing applications.
We address the electronically induced anisotropy field acting on a spin moment comprised in a vibrating magnetic molecule located in the junction between ferromagnetic metals. Under weak coupling between the electrons and molecular vibrations, the na ture of the anisotropy can be changed from favoring a high spin (easy axis) magnetic moment to a low spin (easy plane) by applying a temperature difference or a voltage bias across the junction. For unequal spin-polarizations in the ferromagnetic metals it is shown that the character of the anisotropy is essentially determined by the properties of the weaker ferromagnet. By increasing the temperature in this metal, or introducing a voltage bias, its influence can be suppressed such that the dominant contribution to the anisotropy is interchanged to the stronger ferromagnet. With increasing coupling strength between the molecular vibrations and the electrons, the nature of the anisotropy is locked into favoring easy plane magnetism.
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