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PTPS Candidate Exoplanet Host Star Radii Determination with CHARA Array

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 نشر من قبل Pawe{\\l} Zieli\\'nski
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Pawel Zielinski

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We propose to measure the radii of the Penn State - Torun Planet Search (PTPS) exoplanet host star candidates using the CHARA Array. Stellar radii estimated from spectroscopic analysis are usually inaccurate due to indirect nature of the method and strong evolutionary model dependency. Also the so-called degeneracy of stellar evolutionary tracks due to convergence of many tracks in the giant branch decreases the precision of such estimates. However, the radius of a star is a critical parameter for the calculation of stellar luminosity and mass, which are often not well known especially for giants. With well determined effective temperature (from spectroscopy) and radius the luminosity may be calculated precisely. In turn also stellar mass may be estimated much more precisely. Therefore, direct radii measurements increase precision in the determination of planetary candidates masses and the surface temperatures of the planets.

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Direct imaging suggests that there is a Jovian exoplanet around the primary A-star in the triple-star system HD131399. We investigate a high-quality spectrum of the primary component HD131399A obtained with FEROS on the ESO/MPG 2.2m telescope, aiming to characterise the stars atmospheric and fundamental parameters, and to determine elemental abundances at high precision and accuracy. The aim is to constrain the chemical composition of the birth cloud of the system and therefore the bulk composition of the putative planet. A hybrid non-local thermal equilibrium (non-LTE) model atmosphere technique is adopted for the quantitative spectral analysis. Comparison with the most recent stellar evolution models yields the fundamental parameters. The atmospheric and fundamental stellar parameters of HD131399A are constrained to Teff=9200+-100 K, log g=4.37+-0.10, M=1.95+0.08-0.06 Msun, R=1.51+0.13-0.10 Rsun, and log L/Lsun=1.17+-0.07, locating the star on the zero-age main sequence. Non-LTE effects on the derived metal abundances are often smaller than 0.1dex, but can reach up to ~0.8dex for individual lines. The observed lighter elements up to calcium are overall consistent with present-day cosmic abundances, with a C/O ratio of 0.45$pm$0.07 by number, while the heavier elements show mild overabundances. We conclude that the birth cloud of the system had a standard chemical composition, but we witness the onset of the Am phenomenon in the slowly rotating star. We furthermore show that non-LTE analyses have the potential to solve the remaining discrepancies between observed abundances and predictions by diffusion models for Am stars. Moreover, the present case allows mass loss, not turbulent mixing, to be identified as the main transport process competing with diffusion in very young Am stars.
We measured the angular diameter of the exoplanet host star iota Dra with Georgia State Universitys Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array interferometer, and, using the stars parallax and photometry from the literature, calculate d its physical radius and effective temperature. We then combined our results with stellar oscillation frequencies from Zechmeister et al. (2008) and orbital elements from Kane et al. (2010) to determine the masses for the star and exoplanet. Our value for the central stars mass is 1.82 +/- 0.23 M_Sun, which means the exoplanets minimum mass is 12.6 +/- 1.1 M_Jupiter. Using our new effective temperature, we recalculated the habitable zone for the system, though it is well outside the star-planet separation.
Of the over 450 exoplanets known to date, more than 420 of them have been discovered using radial velocity studies, a method that tells nothing about the inclination of the planets orbit. Because it is more likely that the companion is a planetary-ma ss object in a moderate- to high-inclination orbit than a low-mass stellar object in a nearly face-on orbit, the secondary bodies are presumed to be planets. Interferometric observations allow us to inspect the angular diameter fit residuals to calibrated visibilities in order to rule out the possibility of a low-mass stellar companion in a very low-inclination orbit. We used the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array interferometer to observe 20 exoplanet host stars and considered five potential secondary spectral types: G5 V, K0 V, K5 V, M0 V, and M5 V. If a secondary star is present and is sufficiently bright, the effects of the added light will appear in interferometric observations where the planet will not. All secondary types could be eliminated from consideration for 7 host stars and no secondary stars of any spectral type could be ruled out for 7 more. The remaining 6 host stars showed a range of possible secondary types.
We report rotation periods, variability characteristics, gyrochronological ages for ~950 of the Kepler Object of Interest host stars. We find a wide dispersion in the amplitude of the photometric variability as a function of rotation, likely indicati ng differences in the spot distribution among stars. We use these rotation periods in combination with published spectroscopic measurements of vsini and stellar parameters to derive the stellar inclination in the line-of-sight, and find a number of systems with possible spin-orbit misalignment. We additionally find several systems with close-in planet candidates whose stellar rotation periods are equal to or twice the planetary orbital period, indicative of possible tidal interactions between these planets and their parent stars. If these systems survive validation to become confirmed planets, they will provide important clues to the evolutionary history of these systems.
We plan to measure the angular diameters of a sample of Penn State-Torun Planet Search (PTPS) giant exoplanet host star candidates using the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer. The radii of evolved giant stars obtained using spectroscopy are usual ly ill-defined because of the methods indirect nature and evolutionary model dependency. The stars radius is a critical parameter used to calculate luminosity and mass, which are often not well known for giant stars. Therefore, this problem also affects the orbital period, mass, and surface temperature of the planet. Our interferometric observations will significantly decrease the errors for these parameters. We present preliminary results from NPOI observations of six stars in the PTPS sample.
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