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Effective gravitational equations for f(R) braneworld models

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 نشر من قبل Maria Emilia Guimaraes
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف T. R. P. Carames

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The viability of achieving gravitational consistent braneworld models in the framework of a f(R) theory of gravity is investigated. After a careful generalization of the usual junction conditions encompassing the embedding of the 3-brane into a f(R) bulk, we provide a prescription giving the necessary constraints in order to implement the projected second order effective field equations on the brane.

قيم البحث

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In this article we study a generalization of DGP scenarios, where the induced gravity is given by a $f(R)$ term. We obtain the effective gravitational equations and the effective FLRW cosmological equation on the brane of this model. We show that thi s generalization has also two regime, a 5D regime a low energies that has a self-accelerated branch of interest for cosmology and a 4D regime at high energies that it is described a modified gravitational theory.
Braneworld scenarios consider our observable universe as a brane embedded in a 5D space, named bulk. In this work, I derive the field equations of a braneworld model in a generalized theory of gravitation, namely $f(R,T)$ gravity, with $R$ and $T$, r epresenting the Ricci scalar and the trace of the energy-momentum tensor, respectively. The cosmological parameters obtained from this approach are in agreement with recent constraints from Supernovae Ia data combined with baryon acoustic oscillations and cosmic microwave background observations, favouring such an alternative description of the universe dynamics.
We study a spin 1/2 fermion in a thick braneworld in the context of teleparallel $f(T, B)$ gravity. Here, $f(T,B)$ is such that $f_1(T,B)=T+k_1B^{n_1}$ and $f_2(T,B)=B+k_2T^{n_2}$, where $n_{1,2}$ and $k_{1,2}$ are parameters that control the influen ce of torsion and the boundary term. We assume Yukawa coupling, where one scalar field is coupled to a Dirac spinor field. We show how the $n_{1,2}$ and $k_{1,2}$ parameters control the width of the massless Kaluza-Klein mode, the breadth of non-normalized massive fermionic modes, and the properties of the analogue quantum-potential near the origin.
In this paper the $f(R)$ global monopole is reexamined. We provide an exact solution for the modified field equations in the presence of a global monopole for regions outside its core, generalizing previous results. Additionally, we discuss some part icular cases obtained from this solution. We consider a setup consisting of a possible Schwarzschild black hole that absorbs the topological defect, giving rise to a static black hole endowed with a monopoles charge. Besides, we demonstrate how the asymptotic behavior of the Higgs field far from the monopoles core is shaped by a class of spacetime metrics which includes those ones analyzed here. In order to assess the gravitational properties of this system, we analyse the geodesic motion of both massive and massless test particles moving in the vicinity of such configuration. For the material particles we set the requirements they have to obey in order to experience stable orbits. On the other hand, for the photons we investigate how their trajectories are affected by the gravitational field of this black hole.
In this work we shall develop a quantitative approach for extracting predictions on the primordial gravitational waves energy spectrum for $f(R)$ gravity. We shall consider two distinct models which yield different phenomenology, one pure $f(R)$ grav ity model and one Chern-Simons corrected potential-less $k$-essence $f(R)$ gravity model in the presence of radiation and non-relativistic perfect matter fluids. The two $f(R)$ gravity models were carefully chosen in order for them to describe in a unified way inflation and the dark energy era, in both cases viable and compatible with the latest Planck data. Also both models mimic the $Lambda$-Cold-Dark-Matter model and specifically the pure $f(R)$ model only at late times, but the Chern-Simons $k$-essence model during the whole evolution of the model up to the radiation domination era. In addition they guarantee a smooth transition from the inflationary era to the radiation, matter domination and subsequently to the dark energy era. Using a WKB approach introduced in the relevant literature by Nishizawa, we derive formulas depending on the redshift that yield the modified gravity effect, quantified by a multiplicative factor, a ``damping in front of the General Relativistic waveform. In order to calculate the effect of the modified gravity, which is the ``damping factor, we solve numerically the Friedmann equations using appropriate initial conditions and by introducing specific statefinder quantities. As we show, the pure $f(R)$ gravity gravitational wave energy spectrum is slightly enhanced, but it remains well below the sensitivity curves of future gravitational waves experiments. In contrast, the Chern-Simons $k$-essence $f(R)$ gravity model gravitational wave energy spectrum is significantly enhanced and two signals are predicted which can be verified by future gravitational wave experiments.
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