Bulk Intergrowth of a Topological Insulator with a Room Temperature Ferromagnet

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We demonstrate that the layered room temperature ferromagnet Fe7Se8 and the topological insulator Bi2Se3 form crystallographically oriented bulk composite intergrowth crystals. The morphology of the intergrowth in real space and reciprocal space is described. Critically, the basal planes of Bi2Se3 and Fe7Se8 are parallel and hence the good cleavage inherent in the bulk phases is retained. The intergrowth is on the micron scale. Both phases in the intergrowth crystals display their intrinsic bulk properties: the ferromagnetism of the Fe7Se8 is anisotropic, with magnetization easy axis in the plane of the crystals, and ARPES characterization shows that the topological surface states remain present on the Bi2Se3. Analogous behavior is found for what has been called Fe-doped Bi2Se3.

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