Coherent photoproduction of $eta$-mesons off $^3$He, i.e. the reaction $gamma ^3{He}rightarrow eta ^3{He}$, has been investigated in the near-threshold region. The experiment was performed at the Glasgow tagged photon facility of the Mainz MAMI accelerator with the combined Crystal Ball - TAPS detector. Angular distributions and the total cross section were measured using the $etarightarrow gammagamma$ and $etarightarrow 3pi^0rightarrow 6gamma$ decay channels. The observed extremely sharp rise of the cross section at threshold and the behavior of the angular distributions are evidence for a strong $eta {^3{He}}$ final state interaction, pointing to the existence of a resonant state. The search for further evidence of this state in the excitation function of $pi^0$-proton back-to-back emission in the $gamma ^3{He}rightarrow pi^0 pX$ reaction revealed a very complicated structure of the background and could not support previous conclusions.
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