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Lessons learnt in building VO resources: binding together several VO standards into an operational service

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 نشر من قبل Igor Chilingarian
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) developed numerous interoperability standards during the last several years. Most of them are quite simple to implement from the technical point of view and even contain SIMPLE in the title. Does it mean that it is also simple to build a working VO resource using those standards? Yes and no. Yes because the standards are indeed simple, and no because usually one needs to implement a lot more than it was thought in the beginning of the project so the time management of the team becomes difficult. In our presentation we will start with a basic case of a simple spectral data collection. Then we will describe several examples of small technologically advanced VO resources built in CDS and VO-Paris and will show that many standards are hidden from managers eyes at the initial stage of the project development. The projects will be: (1) the GalMer database providing access to the results of numerical simulations of galaxy interactions; (2) the full spectrum fitting service that allows one to extract internal kinematics and stellar populations from spectra of galaxies available in the VO. We conclude that: (a) with the existing set of IVOA standards one can already build very advanced VO-enabled archives and tools useful for scientists; (b) managers have to be very careful when estimating the project development timelines for VO-enabled resources.

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VO-KOREL is a web service exploiting the technology of Virtual Observatory for providing the astronomers with the intuitive graphical front-end and distributed computing back-end running the most recent version of Fourier disentangling code KOREL. The system integrates the ideas of the e-shop basket, conserving the privacy of every user by transfer encryption and access authentication, with features of laboratory notebook, allowing the easy housekeeping of both input parameters and final results, as well as it explores a newly emerging technology of cloud computing. While the web-based front-end allows the user to submit data and parameter files, edit parameters, manage a job list, resubmit or cancel running jobs and mainly watching the text and graphical results of a disentangling process, the main part of the back-end is a simple job queue submission system executing in parallel multiple instances of FORTRAN code KOREL. This may be easily extended for GRID-based deployment on massively parallel computing clusters. The short introduction into underlying technologies is given, briefly mentioning advantages as well as bottlenecks of the design used.
This document describes a recommended syntax for writing the string representation of unit labels (VOUnits). In addition, it describes a set of recognised and deprecated units, which is as far as possible consistent with other relevant standards (BIP M, ISO/IEC and the IAU). The intention is that units written to conform to this specification will likely also be parsable by other well-known parsers. To this end, we include machine-readable grammars for other units syntaxes.
The Virtual Observatory (VO) is becoming the de-facto standard for astronomical data publication. However, the number of radio astronomical archives is still low in general, and even lower is the number of radio astronomical data available through th e VO. In order to facilitate the building of new radio astronomical archives, easing at the same time their interoperability with VO framework, we have developed a VO-compliant data model which provides interoperable data semantics for radio data. That model, which we call the Radio Astronomical DAta Model for Single-dish (RADAMS) has been built using standards of (and recommendations from) the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). This article describes the RADAMS and its components, including archived entities and their relationships to VO metadata. We show that by using IVOA principles and concepts, the effort needed for both the development of the archives and their VO compatibility has been lowered, and the joint development of two radio astronomical archives have been possible. We plan to adapt RADAMS to be able to deal with interferometry data in the future.
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is in its early stages, but already some aspects of the EOSC vision are starting to become reality, for example the EOSC portal and the development of metadata catalogues. In the astrophysical domain already exi sts an open approach to science data: the Virtual Observatory view put in place by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) architecture of standards. The ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) project has, among its tasks, to demonstrate that the VO architecture can be integrated within the EOSC building one and to provide guidelines to ESFRI partners (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) in doing this. This contribution reports on the progress of this integration after the first months of work inside ESCAPE.
143 - Markus Demleitner 2020
With VODataService 1.2, service providers in the Virtual Observatory (VO) have a reasonably straightforward way to declare where in space, time, and spectrum the data within a resource (i.e., service or data collection) lie. Here, we discuss the the mechanism and design choices, current limitations (e.g., regarding non-electromagnetic or solar system resources) as well as ways to overcome them. We also show how users and clients can already run queries against resource coverage using a scheme that is expected to become part of RegTAP 1.2 (or a separate standard). We conclude with an ardent plea to all resource creators to provide STC metadata -- only wide adoption will make this facility useful.
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