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High Dynamic-Range Radio-Interferometric Images at 327 MHz

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 نشر من قبل Juan M. Uson
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Radio astronomical imaging using aperture synthesis telescopes requires deconvolution of the point spread function as well as calibration of the instrumental characteristics (primary beam) and foreground (ionospheric/atmospheric) effects. These effects vary in time and also across the field of view, resulting in directionally-dependent (DD), time-varying gains. The primary beam will deviate from the theoretical estimate in real cases at levels that will limit the dynamic range of images if left uncorrected. Ionospheric electron density variations cause time and position variable refraction of sources. At low frequencies and sufficiently high dynamic range this will also defocus the images producing error patterns that vary with position and also with frequency due to the chromatic aberration of synthesis telescopes. Superposition of such residual sidelobes can lead to spurious spectral signals. Field-based ionospheric calibration as well as peeling calibration of strong sources leads to images with higher dynamic range and lower spurious signals but will be limited by sensitivity on the necessary short-time scales. The results are improved images although some artifacts remain.

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49 - Claude Mercier 2005
We report first results from an ongoing program of combining visibilities from the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and the Nancay Radio Heliograph (NRH) to produce composite snapshot images of the sun at meter wavelengths. We describe the data processing, including a specific multi-scale CLEAN algorithm. We present results of a) simulations for two models of the sun at 327 MHz, with differing complexity b) observations of a complex noise storm on the sun at 327 MHz on Aug 27 2002. Our results illustrate the capacity of this method to produce high dynamic range snapshot images when the solar corona has structures with scales ranging from the image resolution of 49 to the size of the whole sun. We find that we cannot obtain reliable snapshot images for complex objects when the visibilities are sparsely sampled.
Although originally discovered as a radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsar, J1732-3131 has exhibited intriguing detections at decameter wavelengths. We report an extensive follow-up of the pulsar at 327 MHz with the Ooty radio telescope. Using the previously o bserved radio characteristics, and with an effective integration time of 60 hrs, we present a detection of the pulsar at a confidence level of 99.82%. The 327 MHz mean flux density is estimated to be 0.5-0.8 mJy, which establishes the pulsar to be a steep spectrum source and one of the least-luminous pulsars known to date. We also phase-aligned the radio and gamma-ray profiles of the pulsar, and measured the phase-offset between the main peaks in the two profiles to be 0.24$pm$0.06. We discuss the observed phase-offset in the context of various trends exhibited by the radio-loud gamma-ray pulsar population, and suggest that the gamma-ray emission from J1732-3131 is best explained by outer magnetosphere models. Details of our analysis leading to the pulsar detection, and measurements of various parameters and their implications relevant to the pulsars emission mechanism are presented.
We report preliminary results of our study of linear polarization in the pulsar emission at 35 & 327 MHz. We have exploited for this purpose the spectral modulation resulting from the differential Faraday rotation across the observed band. We discuss the results on a few bright pulsars by comparing them with the existing measurements at higher radio frequencies.
We present Clusterrank, a new algorithm for identifying dispersed astrophysical pulses. Such pulses are commonly detected from Galactic pulsars and rotating radio transients (RRATs), which are neutron stars with sporadic radio emission. More recently , isolated, highly dispersed pulses dubbed fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been identified as the potential signature of an extragalactic cataclysmic radio source distinct from pulsars and RRATs. Clusterrank helped us discover 14 pulsars and 8 RRATs in data from the Arecibo 327 MHz Drift Pulsar Survey (AO327). The new RRATs have DMs in the range $23.5 - 86.6$ pc cm$^{-3}$ and periods in the range $0.172 - 3.901$ s. The new pulsars have DMs in the range $23.6 - 133.3$ pc cm$^{-3}$ and periods in the range $1.249 - 5.012$ s, and include two nullers and a mode-switching object. We estimate an upper limit on the all-sky FRB rate of $10^5$ day$^{-1}$ for bursts with a width of 10 ms and flux density $gtrsim 83$ mJy. The DMs of all new discoveries are consistent with a Galactic origin. In comparing statistics of the new RRATs with sources from the RRATalog, we find that both sets are drawn from the same period distribution. In contrast, we find that the period distribution of the new pulsars is different from the period distributions of canonical pulsars in the ATNF catalog or pulsars found in AO327 data by a periodicity search. This indicates that Clusterrank is a powerful complement to periodicity searches and uncovers a subset of the pulsar population that has so far been underrepresented in survey results and therefore in Galactic pulsar population models.
The nuclear starburst in the nearby galaxy M82 provides an excellent laboratory for understanding the physics of star formation. This galaxy has been extensively observed in the past, revealing tens of radio-bright compact objects embedded in a diffu se free-free absorbing medium. Our understanding of the structure and physics of this medium in M82 can be greatly improved by high-resolution images at low frequencies where the effects of free-free absorption are most prominent. The aims of this study are, firstly, to demonstrate imaging using international baselines of the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), and secondly, to constrain low-frequency spectra of compact and diffuse emission in the central starburst region of M82 via high-resolution radio imaging at low frequencies. The international LOFAR telescope was used to observe M82 at 110-126MHz and 146-162MHz. Images were obtained using standard techniques from very long baseline interferometry. images were obtained at each frequency range: one only using international baselines, and one only using the longest Dutch (remote) baselines. The 154MHz image obtained using international baselines is a new imaging record in terms of combined image resolution (0.3$$) and sensitivity ($sigma$=0.15mJy/beam) at low frequencies ($<327$MHz). We detected 16 objects at 154MHz, six of these also at 118MHz. Four weaker but resolved features are also found: a linear (50pc) filament and three other resolved objects, of which two show a clear shell structure. We do not detect any emission from either supernova 2008iz or from the radio transient source 43.78+59.3. The images obtained using remote baselines show diffuse emission, associated with the outflow in M82, with reduced brightness in the region of the edge-on star-forming disk.
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