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Session Type Inference in Haskell

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 نشر من قبل EPTCS
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an inference system for a version of the Pi-calculus in Haskell for the session type proposed by Honda et al. The session type is very useful in checking if the communications are well-behaved. The full session type implementation in Haskell was first presented by Pucella and Tov, which is semi-automatic in that the manual operations for the type representation was necessary. We give an automatic type inference for the session type by using a more abstract representation for the session type based on the de Bruijn levels. We show an example of the session type inference for a simple SMTP client.

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77 - Assel Altayeva 2019
This paper addresses a problem found within the construction of Service Oriented Architecture: the adaptation of service protocols with respect to functional redundancy and heterogeneity of global communication patterns. We utilise the theory of Mult iparty Session Types (MPST). Our approach is based upon the notion of a multiparty session type isomorphism, utilising a novel constructive realisation of service adapter code to establishing equivalence. We achieve this by employing trace semantics over a collection of local types and introducing meta abstractions over the syntax of global types. We develop a corresponding equational theory for MPST isomorphisms. The main motivation for this line of work is to define a type isomorphism that affords the assessment of whether two components/services are substitutables, modulo adaptation code given software components formalised as session types.
Linear type systems have a long and storied history, but not a clear path forward to integrate with existing languages such as OCaml or Haskell. In this paper, we study a linear type system designed with two crucial properties in mind: backwards-comp atibility and code reuse across linear and non-linear users of a library. Only then can the benefits of linear types permeate conventional functional programming. Rather than bifurcate types into linear and non-linear counterparts, we instead attach linearity to function arrows. Linear functions can receive inputs from linearly-bound values, but can also operate over unrestricted, regular values. To demonstrate the efficacy of our linear type system - both how easy it can be integrated in an existing language implementation and how streamlined it makes it to write programs with linear types - we implemented our type system in GHC, the leading Haskell compiler, and demonstrate two kinds of applications of linear types: mutable data with pure interfaces; and enforcing protocols in I/O-performing functions.
We propose SessionC#, a lightweight session typed library for safe concurrent/distributed programming. The key features are (1) the improved fluent interface which enables writing communication in chained method calls, by exploiting C#s out variables , and (2) amalgamation of session delegation with async/await, which materialises session cancellation in a limited form, which we call session intervention. We show the effectiveness of our proposal via a Bitcoin miner application.
Session types are a rich type discipline, based on linear types, that lifts the sort of safety claims that come with type systems to communications. However, web-based applications and microservices are often written in a mix of languages, with type disciplines in a spectrum between static and dynamic typing. Gradual session types address this mixed setting by providing a framework which grants seamless transition between statically typed handling of sessions and any required degree of dynamic typing. We propose Gradual GV as a gradually typed extension of the functional session type system GV. Following a standard framework of gradual typing, Gradual GV consists of an external language, which relaxes the type system of GV using dynamic types, and an internal language with casts, for which operational semantics is given, and a cast-insertion translation from the former to the latter. We demonstrate type and communication safety as well as blame safety, thus extending previous results to functional languages with session-based communication. The interplay of linearity and dynamic types requires a novel approach to specifying the dynamics of the language.
178 - Luca Padovani 2009
We (re)define session types as projections of process behaviors with respect to the communication channels they use. In this setting, we give session types a semantics based on fair testing. The outcome is a unified theory of behavioral types that sh ares common aspects with conversation types and that encompass features of both dyadic and multi-party session types. The point of view we provide sheds light on the nature of session types and gives us a chance to reason about them in a framework where every notion, from well-typedness to the subtyping relation between session types, is semantically -rather than syntactically- grounded.
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