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Oxygen issue in Core Collapse Supernovae

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 نشر من قبل Abouazza Elmhamdi
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Abouazza Elmhamdi

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We study the spectroscopic properties of a selected sample of 26 events within Core Collapse Supernovae (CCSNe) family. Special attention is paid to the nebular oxygen forbidden line [O I] 6300,6364AA doublet. We analyze the line flux ratio $F_{6300}/F_{6364}$, and infer information about the optical depth evolution, densities, volume-filling factors in the oxygen emitting zones. The line luminosity is measured for the sample events and its evolution is discussed on the basis of the bolometric light curve properties in type II and in type Ib-c SNe. The luminosities are then translated into oxygen abundances using two different methods. The resulting oxygen amounts are combined with the recovered $^{56}$Ni masses and compared with theoretical models by means of the $[O/Fe] .vs. M_{ms}$ diagram. Two distinguishable and continuous populations, corresponding to Ib-c and type II SNe, are found. The higher mass nature of the ejecta in type II objects is also imprinted on the [Ca II] 7291,7324AA over [O I] 6300,6364AA luminosity ratios. Our results may be used as input parameters for theoretical models studying the chemical enrichment of galaxies.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Nuclear shell burning in the final stages of the lives of massive stars is accompanied by strong turbulent convection. The resulting fluctuations aid supernova explosion by amplifying the non-radial flow in the post-shock region. In this work, we inv estigate the physical mechanism behind this amplification using a linear perturbation theory. We model the shock wave as a one-dimensional planar discontinuity and consider its interaction with vorticity and entropy perturbations in the upstream flow. We find that, as the perturbations cross the shock, their total turbulent kinetic energy is amplified by a factor of $sim!2$, while the average linear size of turbulent eddies decreases by about the same factor. These values are not sensitive to the parameters of the upstream turbulence and the nuclear dissociation efficiency at the shock. Finally, we discuss the implication of our results for the supernova explosion mechanism. We show that the upstream perturbations can decrease the critical neutrino luminosity for producing explosion by several percent.
We summarize our current understanding of gravitational wave emission from core-collapse supernovae. We review the established results from multi-dimensional simulations and, wherever possible, provide back-of-the-envelope calculations to highlight t he underlying physical principles. The gravitational waves are predominantly emitted by protoneutron star oscillations. In slowly rotating cases, which represent the most common type of the supernovae, the oscillations are excited by multi-dimensional hydrodynamic instabilities, while in rare rapidly rotating cases, the protoneutron star is born with an oblate deformation due to the centrifugal force. The gravitational wave signal may be marginally visible with current detectors for a source within our galaxy, while future third-generation instruments will enable more robust and detailed observations. The rapidly rotating models that develop non-axisymmetric instabilities may be visible up to a megaparsec distance with the third-generation detectors. Finally, we discuss strategies for multi-messenger observations of supernovae.
198 - Stephen J. Smartt 2009
Knowledge of the progenitors of core-collapse supernovae is a fundamental component in understanding the explosions. The recent progress in finding such stars is reviewed. The minimum initial mass that can produce a supernova has converged to 8 +/- 1 solar masses, from direct detections of red supergiant progenitors of II-P SNe and the most massive white dwarf progenitors, although this value is model dependent. It appears that most type Ibc supernovae arise from moderate mass interacting binaries. The highly energetic, broad-lined Ic supernovae are likely produced by massive, Wolf-Rayet progenitors. There is some evidence to suggest that the majority of massive stars above ~20 solar masses may collapse quietly to black-holes and that the explosions remain undetected. The recent discovery of a class of ultra-bright type II supernovae and the direct detection of some progenitor stars bearing luminous blue variable characteristics suggests some very massive stars do produce highly energetic explosions. The physical mechanism is open to debate and these SNe pose a challenge to stellar evolutionary theory.
Bearing in mind the application to core-collapse supernovae, we study nonlinear properties of the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) by means of three- dimensional simulations in the framework of a local shearing box approximation. By changing syst ematically the shear rates that symbolize the degree of differential rotation in nascent proto-neutron stars (PNSs), we derive a scaling relation between the turbulent stress sustained by the MRI and the shear- vorticity ratio. Our parametric survey shows a power-law scaling between the turbulent stress ($<< w_{rm tot}>>$) and the shear- vorticity ratio ($g_q$) as $<<w_{rm tot}>> propto g_q^{delta}$ with its index $delta sim 0.5$. The MRI-amplified magnetic energy has a similar scaling relative to the turbulent stress, while the Maxwell stress has slightly smaller power-law index ($sim 0.36$). By modeling the effect of viscous heating rates due to the MRI turbulence, we show that the stronger magnetic fields or the larger shear rates initially imposed lead to the higher dissipation rates. For a rapidly rotating PNS with the spin period in milliseconds and with strong magnetic fields of $10^{15}$ G, the energy dissipation rate is estimated to exceed $10^{51} {rm erg sec^{-1}}$. Our results suggest that the conventional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mechanism of core-collapse supernovae is likely to be affected by the MRI-driven turbulence, which we speculate, on one hand, could harm the MHD-driven explosions due to the dissipation of the shear rotational energy at the PNS surface, on the other hand the energy deposition there might be potentially favorable for the working of the neutrino-heating mechanism.
Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) are the extremely energetic deaths of massive stars. They play a vital role in the synthesis and dissemination of many heavy elements in the universe. In the past, CCSN nucleosynthesis calculations have relied on arti ficial explosion methods that do not adequately capture the physics of the innermost layers of the star. The PUSH method, calibrated against SN1987A, utilizes the energy of heavy-flavor neutrinos emitted by the proto-neutron star (PNS) to trigger parametrized explosions. This makes it possible to follow the consistent evolution of the PNS and to ensure a more accurate treatment of the electron fraction of the ejecta. Here, we present the Iron group nucleosynthesis results for core-collapse supernovae, exploded with PUSH, for two different progenitor series. Comparisons of the calculated yields to observational metal-poor star data are also presented. Nucleosynthesis yields will be calculated for all elements and over a wide range of progenitor masses. These yields can be immensely useful for models of galactic chemical evolution.
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