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The evolution of binary populations in cool, clumpy star clusters

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 نشر من قبل Richard Parker
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Observations and theory suggest that star clusters can form in a subvirial (cool) state and are highly substructured. Such initial conditions have been proposed to explain the level of mass segregation in clusters through dynamics, and have also been successful in explaining the origin of trapezium-like systems. In this paper we investigate, using N-body simulations, whether such a dynamical scenario is consistent with the observed binary properties in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). We find that several different primordial binary populations are consistent with the overall fraction and separation distribution of visual binaries in the ONC (in the range 67 - 670 au), and that these binary systems are heavily processed. The substructured, cool-collapse scenario requires a primordial binary fraction approaching 100 per cent. We find that the most important factor in processing the primordial binaries is the initial level of substructure; a highly substructured cluster processes up to 20 per cent more systems than a less substructured cluster because of localised pockets of high stellar density in the substructure. Binaries are processed in the substructure before the cluster reaches its densest phase, suggesting that even clusters remaining in virial equilibrium or undergoing supervirial expansion would dynamically alter their primordial binary population. Therefore even some expanding associations may not preserve their primordial binary population.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

A fraction of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) shows bright emission in the UV and the blue part of the optical spectrum, which has been interpreted as evidence of recent star formation. Most of these results are based on the analysis of broadband p hotometric data. Here, we study the optical spectra of a sample of 19 BCGs hosted by X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at 0.15 < z < 0.3, a subset from the Canadian Cluster Comparison Project (CCCP) sample. We identify plausible star formation histories of the galaxies by fitting Simple Stellar Populations (SSPs) as well as composite populations, consisting of a young stellar component superimposed on an intermediate/old stellar component, to accurately constrain their star formation histories. We detect prominent young (~200 Myr) stellar populations in 4 of the 19 galaxies. Of the four, the BCG in Abell 1835 shows remarkable A-type stellar features indicating a relatively large population of young stars, which is extremely unusual even amongst star forming BCGs. We constrain the mass contribution of these young components to the total stellar mass to be typically between 1% to 3%, but rising to 7% in Abell 1835. We find that the four of the BCGs with strong evidence for recent star formation (and only these four galaxies) are found within a projected distance of 5 kpc of their host clusters X-ray peak, and the diffuse, X-ray gas surrounding the BCGs exhibit a ratio of the radiative cooling-to-free-fall time ($t_{c}/t_{ff}$) of < 10. These are also some of the clusters with the lowest central entropy. Our results are consistent with the predictions of the precipitation-driven star formation and AGN feedback model, in which the radiatively cooling diffuse gas is subject to local thermal instabilities once the instability parameter $t_{c}/t_{ff}$ falls below ~10, leading to the condensation and precipitation of cold gas. [Abridged]
223 - Joana S. Santos 2010
Cool-core clusters are characterized by strong surface brightness peaks in the X-ray emission from the Intra Cluster Medium (ICM). This phenomenon is associated with complex physics in the ICM and has been a subject of intense debate and investigatio n in recent years. In order to quantify the evolution in the cool-core cluster population, we robustly measure the cool-core strength in a local, representative cluster sample, and in the largest sample of high-redshift clusters available to date. We use high-resolution Chandra data of three representative cluster samples spanning different redshift ranges: (i) the local sample from the 400 SD survey with median z = 0.08, (ii) the high redshift sample from the 400 SD Survey with median z=0.59, and (iii) 15 clusters drawn from the RDCS and the WARPS, with median z = 0.83. Our analysis is based on the measurement of the surface brightness concentration, c_SB, which allows us to characterize the cool-core strength in low signal-to-noise data. We also obtain gas density profiles to derive cluster central cooling times and entropy. In addition to the X-ray analysis, we search for radio counterparts associated with the cluster cores. We find a statistically significant difference in the c_SB distributions of the two high-z samples, pointing towards a lack of concentrated clusters in the 400 SD high-z sample. Taking this into account, we confirm a negative evolution in the fraction of cool-core clusters with redshift, in particular for very strong cool-cores. This result is validated by the central entropy and central cooling time, which show strong anti-correlations with c_SB. However, the amount of evolution is significantly smaller than previously claimed, leaving room for a large population of well formed cool-cores at z~1.
In this paper, I review to what extent we can understand the photometric properties of star clusters, and of low-mass, unresolved galaxies, in terms of population synthesis models designed to describe `simple stellar populations (SSPs), i.e., groups of stars born at the same time, in the same volume of space, and from a gas cloud of homogeneous chemical composition. The photometric properties predicted by these models do not readily match the observations of most star clusters, unless we properly take into account the expected variation in the number of stars occupying sparsely populated evolutionary stages, due to stochastic fluctuations in the stellar initial mass function. In this case, population synthesis models reproduce remarkably well the full ranges of observed integrated colours and absolute magnitudes of star clusters of various ages and metallicities. The disagreement between the model predictions and observations of cluster colours and magnitudes may indicate problems with or deficiencies in the modelling, and dioes not necessarily tell us that star clusters do not behave like SSPs. Matching the photometric properties of star clusters using SSP models is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for clusters to be considered simple stellar populations. Composite models, characterized by complex star-formation histories, also match the observed cluster colours.
The basic properties of the candidate binary cluster population in the Magellanic Clouds and Galaxy are similar. The fraction of candidate binary systems is $sim$10% and the pair separation histogram exhibits a bimodal distribution commonly attribute d to their transient nature. However, if primordial pairs cannot survive for long as recognizable bound systems, how are they ending up? Here, we use simulations to confirm that merging, extreme tidal distortion and ionization are possible depending on the initial orbital elements and mass ratio of the pair. The nature of the dominant evolutionary path largely depends on the strength of the local tidal field. Merging is observed for initially close primordial binary clusters but also for wider pairs in nearly parabolic orbits. Its characteristic timescale depends on the initial orbital semi-major axis, eccentricity, and cluster pair mass ratio, becoming shorter for closer, more eccentric equal mass pairs. Shredding or extreme tidal distortion of the less massive cluster and subsequent separation is observed in all pairs with appreciably different masses. Wide pairs steadily evolve into the separated twins state characterized by the presence of tidal bridges and separations of 200-500 pc after one Galactic orbit. In the Galaxy, the vast majority of observed binary candidates appear to be following this evolutionary path which translates into the dominant peak (25-30 pc) in the pair separation distribution. The secondary peak at smaller separations (10-15 pc) can be explained as due to close pairs in almost circular orbits and/or undergoing merging. Merged clusters exhibit both peculiar radial density and velocity dispersion profiles shaped by synchronization and gravogyro instabilities. Both simulations and observations show that, for the range of parameters studied here, long term binary cluster stability in the Galactic disk is unlikely.
A low mass star usually experiences stratification and abundance anomalies during its evolution. A 0.95 solar mass star with a metallicity Z = 0.004 is followed from the main-sequence to the Horizontal Branch (HB). On the main-sequence the larger eff ects of stratification may come from accretion as was suggested in relation to metallicity and planet formation. As it evolves through the giant branch, stratification appears around the hydrogen burning shell. It may create hydrodynamic instabilities and be related to abundance anomalies on the giant branch. After the He flash the star evolves to the HB. If it loses enough mass, it ends up a hot HB star (or in the field an sdB star) with effective temperatures larger than 11000 K. All sdB stars are observed to have an approximately solar iron abundance whatever their original metallicity, implying overabundances by factors of up to 100. So should the 0.95 solar mass star. How its internal hydrodynamic properties on the main sequence may influence its fate on the HB is currently uncertain.
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