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The MathScheme Library: Some Preliminary Experiments

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 نشر من قبل Jacques Carette
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We present some of the experiments we have performed to best test our design for a library for MathScheme, the mechanized mathematics software system we are building. We wish for our library design to use and reflect, as much as possible, the mathematical structure present in the objects which populate the library.

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We describe in this paper new design techniques used in the cpp exact linear algebra library linbox, intended to make the library safer and easier to use, while keeping it generic and efficient. First, we review the new simplified structure for conta iners, based on our emph{founding scope allocation} model. We explain design choices and their impact on coding: unification of our matrix classes, clearer model for matrices and submatrices, etc Then we present a variation of the emph{strategy} design pattern that is comprised of a controller--plugin system: the controller (solution) chooses among plug-ins (algorithms) that always call back the controllers for subtasks. We give examples using the solution mul. Finally we present a benchmark architecture that serves two purposes: Providing the user with easier ways to produce graphs; Creating a framework for automatically tuning the library and supporting regression testing.
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We introduce two new packages, Nemo and Hecke, written in the Julia programming language for computer algebra and number theory. We demonstrate that high performance generic algorithms can be implemented in Julia, without the need to resort to a low- level C implementation. For specialised algorithms, we use Julias efficient native C interface to wrap existing C/C++ libraries such as Flint, Arb, Antic and Singular. We give examples of how to use Hecke and Nemo and discuss some algorithms that we have implemented to provide high performance basic arithmetic.
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