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On the effect of image denoising on galaxy shape measurements

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 نشر من قبل Guldariya Nurbaeva
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Weak gravitational lensing is a very sensitive way of measuring cosmological parameters, including dark energy, and of testing current theories of gravitation. In practice, this requires exquisite measurement of the shapes of billions of galaxies over large areas of the sky, as may be obtained with the EUCLID and WFIRST satellites. For a given survey depth, applying image denoising to the data both improves the accuracy of the shape measurements and increases the number density of galaxies with a measurable shape. We perform simple tests of three different denoising techniques, using synthetic data. We propose a new and simple denoising method, based on wavelet decomposition of the data and a Wiener filtering of the resulting wavelet coefficients. When applied to the GREAT08 challenge dataset, this technique allows us to improve the quality factor of the measurement (Q; GREAT08 definition), by up to a factor of two. We demonstrate that the typical pixel size of the EUCLID optical channel will allow us to use image denoising.

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One of the most powerful techniques to study the dark sector of the Universe is weak gravitational lensing. In practice, to infer the reduced shear, weak lensing measures galaxy shapes, which are the consequence of both the intrinsic ellipticity of t he sources and of the integrated gravitational lensing effect along the line of sight. Hence, a very large number of galaxies is required in order to average over their individual properties and to isolate the weak lensing cosmic shear signal. If this `shape noise can be reduced, significant advances in the power of a weak lensing surveys can be expected. This paper describes a general method for extracting the probability distributions of parameters from catalogues of data using Voronoi cells, which has several applications, and has synergies with Bayesian hierarchical modelling approaches. This allows us to construct a probability distribution for the variance of the intrinsic ellipticity as a function of galaxy property using only photometric data, allowing a reduction of shape noise. As a proof of concept the method is applied to the CFHTLenS survey data. We use this approach to investigate trends of galaxy properties in the data and apply this to the case of weak lensing power spectra.
141 - Congyao Zhang 2016
Accurate estimation of the merger timescale of galaxy clusters is important to understand the cluster merger process and further the formation and evolution of the large-scale structure of the universe. In this paper, we explore a baryonic effect on the merger timescale of galaxy clusters by using hydrodynamical simulations. We find that the baryons play an important role in accelerating the merger process. The merger timescale decreases with increasing the gas fraction of galaxy clusters. For example, the merger timescale is shortened by a factor of up to 3 for merging clusters with gas fractions 0.15, compared with the timescale obtained with zero gas fractions. The baryonic effect is significant for a wide range of merger parameters and especially more significant for nearly head-on mergers and high merging velocities. The baryonic effect on the merger timescale of galaxy clusters is expected to have impacts on the structure formation in the universe, such as the cluster mass function and massive substructures in galaxy clusters, and a bias of no-gas may exist in the results obtained from the dark matter-only cosmological simulations.
237 - J. A. ZuHone 2014
Cold fronts -- contact discontinuities in the intracluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters -- should be disrupted by Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instabilities due to the associated shear velocity. However, many observed cold fronts appear stable. This ope ns the possibility to place constraints on microphysical mechanisms that stabilize them, such as the ICM viscosity and/or magnetic fields. We performed exploratory high-resolution simulations of cold fronts arising from subsonic gas sloshing in cluster cores using the grid-based Athena MHD code, comparing the effects of isotropic Spitzer and anisotropic Braginskii viscosity (expected in a magnetized plasma). Magnetized simulations with full Braginskii viscosity or isotropic Spitzer viscosity reduced by a factor f ~ 0.1 are both in qualitative agreement with observations in terms of suppressing K-H instabilities. The RMS velocity of turbulence within the sloshing region is only modestly reduced by Braginskii viscosity. We also performed unmagnetized simulations with and without viscosity and find that magnetic fields have a substantial effect on the appearance of the cold fronts, even if the initial field is weak and the viscosity is the same. This suggests that determining the dominant suppression mechanism of a given cold front from X-ray observations (e.g. viscosity or magnetic fields) by comparison with simulations is not straightforward. Finally, we performed simulations including anisotropic thermal conduction, and find that including Braginskii viscosity in these simulations does not significant affect the evolution of cold fronts; they are rapidly smeared out by thermal conduction, as in the inviscid case.
Using a set of high-resolution simulations we study the statistical correlation of dark matter halo properties with the large-scale environment. We consider halo populations split into four Cosmic Web (CW) elements: voids, walls, filaments, and nodes . For the first time we present a study of CW effects for halos covering six decades in mass: $10^{8}-10^{14}{h^{-1}{rm M}_{odot}}$. We find that the fraction of halos living in various web components is a strong function of mass, with the majority of $M>10^{12}{h^{-1}{rm M}_{odot}}$ halos living in filaments and nodes. Low mass halos are more equitably distributed in filaments, walls, and voids. For halo density profiles and formation times we find a universal mass threshold of $M_{th}sim6times10^{10}{h^{-1}{rm M}_{odot}}$ below which these properties vary with environment. Here, filament halos have the steepest concentration-mass relation, walls are close to the overall mean, and void halos have the flattest relation. This amounts to $c_{200}$ for filament and void halos that are respectively $14%$ higher and $7%$ lower than the mean at $M=2times10^8{h^{-1}{rm M}_{odot}}$, with low-mass node halos being most likely splashed-back. We find double power-law fits that very well describe $c(M)$ for the four environments in the whole probed mass range. A complementary picture is found for the average formation times, with the mass-formation time relations following trends shown for the concentrations: the nodes halos being the oldest and void halo the youngest. The CW environmental effect is much weaker when studying the halo spin and shapes. The trends with halo mass is reversed: the small halos with $M<10^{10}{h^{-1}{rm M}_{odot}}$ seem to be unaffected by the CW environment. Some weak trends are visible for more massive void and walls halos, which, on average, are characterized by lower spin and higher triaxiality parameters.
145 - J. Singal , M. Shmakova , B. Gerke 2011
We present a determination of the effects of including galaxy morphological parameters in photometric redshift estimation with an artificial neural network method. Neural networks, which recognize patterns in the information content of data in an unb iased way, can be a useful estimator of the additional information contained in extra parameters, such as those describing morphology, if the input data are treated on an equal footing. We use imaging and five band photometric magnitudes from the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey. It is shown that certain principal components of the morphology information are correlated with galaxy type. However, we find that for the data used the inclusion of morphological information does not have a statistically significant benefit for photometric redshift estimation with the techniques employed here. The inclusion of these parameters may result in a trade-off between extra information and additional noise, with the additional noise becoming more dominant as more parameters are added.
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