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Highly p-doped graphene obtained by fluorine intercalation

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 نشر من قبل Andrew Walter
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a method for decoupling epitaxial graphene grown on SiC(0001) by intercalation of a layer of fluorine at the interface. The fluorine atoms do not enter into a covalent bond with graphene, but rather saturate the substrate Si bonds. This configuration of the fluorine atoms induces a remarkably large hole density of p approx 4.5 times 1013 cm-2, equivalent to the location of the Fermi level at 0.79 eV above the Dirac point ED .

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a study of quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene obtained by intercalation of Au atoms at the interface between the carbon buffer layer (Bu-L) and the silicon-terminated face (0001) of 4H-silicon carbide. Au intercalation is achieved by d eposition of atomically thin Au on the Bu-L followed by annealing at 850 {deg}C in an Argon atmosphere. We explore the intercalation of Au and decoupling of the Bu-L into quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene by surface science characterizations and electron transport in top-gated electronic devices. By gate-dependent magnetotransport we find that the Au-intercalated buffer layer displays all properties of monolayer graphene, namely gate tunable ambipolar transport across the Dirac point, and n- or p-type doping depending on the Au content.
We report the fabrication of both n-type and p-type WSe2 field effect transistors with hexagonal boron nitride passivated channels and ionic-liquid (IL)-gated graphene contacts. Our transport measurements reveal intrinsic channel properties including a metal-insulator transition at a characteristic conductivity close to the quantum conductance e2/h, a high ON/OFF ratio of >107 at 170 K, and large electron and hole mobility of ~200 cm2V-1s-1 at 160 K. Decreasing the temperature to 77 K increases mobility of electrons to ~330 cm2V-1s-1 and that of holes to ~270 cm2V-1s-1. We attribute our ability to observe the intrinsic, phonon limited conduction in both the electron and hole channels to the drastic reduction of the Schottky barriers between the channel and the graphene contact electrodes using IL gating. We elucidate this process by studying a Schottky diode consisting of a single graphene/WSe2 Schottky junction. Our results indicate the possibility to utilize chemically or electrostatically highly doped graphene for versatile, flexible and transparent low-resistance Ohmic contacts to a wide range of quasi-2D semiconductors. KEYWORDS: MoS2, WSe2, field-effect transistors, graphene, Schottky barrier, ionic-liquid gate
132 - C. Riedl , C. Coletti , T. Iwasaki 2009
Quasi-free standing epitaxial graphene is obtained on SiC(0001) by hydrogen intercalation. The hydrogen moves between the 6root3 reconstructed initial carbon layer and the SiC substrate. The topmost Si atoms which for epitaxial graphene are covalentl y bound to this buffer layer, are now saturated by hydrogen bonds. The buffer layer is turned into a quasi-free standing graphene monolayer with its typical linear pi-bands. Similarly, epitaxial monolayer graphene turns into a decoupled bilayer. The intercalation is stable in air and can be reversed by annealing to around 900 degrees Celsius.
538 - Yuan Liu , Jiming Sheng , Hao Wu 2015
Graphene/silicon heterostructures have attracted tremendous interest as a new platform for diverse electronic and photonic devices such as barristors, solar cells, optical modulators, and chemical sensors. The studies to date largely focus on junctio ns between graphene and lightly-doped silicon, where a Schottky barrier is believed to dominate the carrier transport process. Here we report a systematic investigation of carrier transport across the heterojunctions formed between graphene and highly-doped silicon. By varying the silicon doping level and the measurement temperature, we show that the carrier transport across the graphene/p++-Si heterojunction is dominated by tunneling effect through the native oxide. We further demonstrate that the tunneling current can be effectively modulated by the external gate electrical field, resulting in a vertical tunneling transistor. Benefited from the large density of states of highly doped silicon, our tunneling transistors can deliver a current density over 20 A/cm2, about two orders of magnitude higher than previous graphene/insulator/graphene tunneling transistor at the same on/off ratio.
75 - Si Zhou , Xiaowei Yang , Wei Pei 2018
MXenes with versatile chemistry and superior electrical conductivity are prevalent candidate materials for energy storage and catalysts. Inspired by recent experiments of hybridizing MXenes with carbon materials, here we theoretically design a series of heterostructures of N-doped graphene supported by MXene monolayers as bifunctional electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Our first-principles calculations show that the graphitic sheet on V2C and Mo2C MXenes are highly active with an ORR overpotential down to 0.36 V and reaction free energies for the HER approaching zero, both with low kinetic barriers. Such outstanding catalytic activities originate from the electronic coupling between the graphitic sheet and the MXene, and can be correlated with the pz band center of surface carbon atoms and the work function of the heterostructures. Our findings screen a novel form of highly active electrocatalysts by taking advantage of the fast charge transfer kinetics and strong interfacial coupling of MXenes, and illuminate a universal mechanism for modulating the catalytic properties of two-dimensional hybrid materials.
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