A Spitzer Survey of Mid-Infrared Molecular Emission from Protoplanetary Disks II: Correlations and LTE Models

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present an analysis of Spitzer-IRS observations of H2O, OH, HCN, C2H2, and CO2 emission, and Keck-NIRSPEC observations of CO emission, from a diverse sample of T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be circumstellar disks. We find that detections and strengths of most mid-IR molecular emission features are correlated with each other, suggesting a common origin and similar excitation conditions. We note that the line detection efficiency is anti-correlated with the 13/30 um SED spectral slope, which is a measure of the degree of grain settling in the disk atmosphere. We also note a correlation between detection efficiency and H-alpha equivalent width, and tentatively with accretion rate, suggesting that accretional heating contributes to line excitation. If detected, H2O line fluxes are correlated with the mid-IR continuum flux, and other co-varying system parameters, such as L_star. However, significant sample variation, especially in molecular line ratios, remains. LTE models of the H2O emission show that line strength is primarily related to the best-fit emitting area, and this accounts for most source-to-source variation in H2O emitted flux. Best-fit temperatures and column densities cover only a small range of parameter space, near 10^{18} cm-2 and 450 K for all sources, suggesting a high abundance of H2O in many planet-forming regions. Other molecules have a range of excitation temperatures from ~500-1500 K, also consistent with an origin in planet-forming regions. We find molecular ratios relative to water of ~10^{-3} for all molecules, with the exception of CO, for which n(CO)/n(H2O)~1. However, LTE fitting caveats and differences in the way thermo-chemical modeling results are reported make comparisons with such models difficult, and highlight the need for additional observations coupled with the use of line-generating radiative transfer codes.

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