In hardware virtualization a hypervisor provides multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) on a single physical system, each executing a separate operating system instance. The hypervisor schedules execution of these VMs much as the scheduler in an operating system does, balancing factors such as fairness and I/O performance. As in an operating system, the scheduler may be vulnerable to malicious behavior on the part of users seeking to deny service to others or maximize their own resource usage. Recently, publically available cloud computing services such as Amazon EC2 have used virtualization to provide customers with virtual machines running on the providers hardware, typically charging by wall clock time rather than resources consumed. Under this business model, manipulation of the scheduler may allow theft of service at the expense of other customers, rather than merely reallocating resources within the same administrative domain. We describe a flaw in the Xen scheduler allowing virtual machines to consume almost all CPU time, in preference to other users, and demonstrate kernel-based and user-spa