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The Millimeter Sky Transparency Imager (MiSTI)

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 نشر من قبل Yoichi Tamura
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Millimeter Sky Transparency Imager (MiSTI) is a small millimeter-wave scanning telescope with a 25-cm diameter dish operating at 183 GHz. MiSTI is installed at Atacama, Chile, and it measures emission from atmospheric water vapor and its fluctuations to estimate atmospheric absorption in the millimeter to submillimeter. MiSTI observes the water vapor distribution at a spatial resolution of 0.5 deg, and it is sensitive enough to detect an excess path length of <~ 0.05 mm for an integration time of 1 s. By comparing the MiSTI measurements with those by a 220 GHz tipper, we validate that the 183 GHz measurements of MiSTI are correct, down to the level of any residual systematic errors in the 220 GHz measurements. Since 2008, MiSTI has provided real-time (every 1 hr) monitoring of the all-sky opacity distribution and atmospheric transmission curves in the (sub)millimeter through the internet, allowing to know the (sub)millimeter sky conditions at Atacama.

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We present a description of the Prototype All-Sky Imager (PASI), a backend correlator and imager of the first station of the Long Wavelength Array (LWA1). PASI cross-correlates a live stream of 260 dual-polarization dipole antennas of the LWA1, creat es all-sky images, and uploads them to the LWA-TV website in near real-time. PASI has recorded over 13,000 hours of all-sky images at frequencies between 10 and 88 MHz creating opportunities for new research and discoveries. We also report rate density and pulse energy density limits on transients at 38, 52, and 74 MHz, for pulse widths of 5 s. We limit transients at those frequencies with pulse energy densities of $>2.7times 10^{-23}$, $>1.1times 10^{-23}$, and $>2.8times 10^{-23}$ J m$^{-2}$ Hz$^{-1}$ to have rate densities $<1.2times10^{-4}$, $<5.6times10^{-4}$, and $<7.2times10^{-4}$ yr$^{-1}$ deg$^{-2}$
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We present new on-sky results for the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics imager (SCExAO) verifying and quantifying the contrast gain enabled by key components: the closed-loop coronagraphic low-order wavefront sensor (CLOWFS) and focal plan e wavefront control (speckle nulling). SCExAO will soon be coupled with a high-order, Pyramid wavefront sensor which will yield > 90% Strehl ratio and enable 10^6--10^7 contrast at small angular separations allowing us to image gas giant planets at solar system scales. Upcoming instruments like VAMPIRES, FIRST, and CHARIS will expand SCExAOs science capabilities.
132 - T. A. Perera 2013
A new technique for reliably identifying point sources in millimeter/sub-millimeter wavelength maps is presented. This method accounts for the frequency dependence of noise in the Fourier domain as well as non-uniformities in the coverage of a field. This optimal filter is an improvement over commonly-used matched filters that ignore coverage gradients. Treating noise variations in the Fourier domain as well as map space is traditionally viewed as a computationally intensive problem. We show that the penalty incurred in terms of computing time is quite small due to casting many of the calculations in terms of FFTs and exploiting the absence of sharp features in the noise spectra of observations. Practical aspects of implementing the optimal filter are presented in the context of data from the AzTEC bolometer camera. The advantages of using the new filter over the standard matched filter are also addressed in terms of a typical AzTEC map.
The future of radio astronomy will require instruments with large collecting areas for higher sensitivity, wide fields of view for faster survey speeds, and efficient computing and data rates relative to current capabilities. We describe the first su ccessful deployment of the E-field Parallel Imaging Correlator (EPIC) on the LWA station in Sevilleta, New Mexico, USA (LWA-SV). EPIC is a solution to the computational problem of large interferometers. By gridding and spatially Fourier transforming channelised electric fields from the antennas in real-time, EPIC removes the explicit cross multiplication of all pairs of antenna voltages to synthesize an aperture, reducing the computational scaling from $mathcal{O}(n_a^2)$ to $mathcal{O}(n_g log_2 n_g)$, where $n_a$ is the number of antennas and $n_g$ is the number of grid points. Not only does this save computational costs for dense arrays but it produces very high time resolution images in real time. The GPU-based implementation uses existing LWA-SV hardware and the high performance streaming framework, Bifrost. We examine the practical details of the EPIC deployment and verify the imaging performance by detecting a meteor impact on the atmosphere using continuous all-sky imaging at 50 ms time resolution.
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