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Energy absorption of quasineutral plasmas through electronic edge-modes

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 نشر من قبل Jan M. Rost
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Ultracold quasineutral plasmas generated in the laboratory are generically inhomogeneous and ex- hibit small charge imbalances. As will be demonstrated, via a hydrodynamic theory as well as microscopic simulations, the latter lead to efficient energy absorption at the plasma boundary. This proposed edge-mode is shown to provide a unified explanation for observed absorption spectra measured in different experiments. Understanding the response of the electronic plasma compo- nent to weak external driving is essential since it grants experimental access to the density and temperature of ultracold plasmas.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We perform nonadiabatic simulations of warm dense aluminum based on the electron-force field (EFF) variant of wave-packet molecular dynamics. Comparison of the static ion-ion structure factor with density functional theory (DFT) is used to validate t he technique across a range of temperatures and densities spanning the warm dense matter regime. Focusing on a specific temperature and density (3.5 eV, 5.2 g/cm3), we report on differences in the dynamic structure factor and dispersion relation across a variety of adiabatic and nonadiabatic techniques. We find the dispersion relation produced with EFF is in close agreement with the more robust and adiabatic Kohn-Sham DFT.
We propose a general model, Multi-Average Ion Collisional-Radiative Model (MAICRM), to rapid simulate the ionization and population distributions of hot dense plasmas. In MAICRM, the orbital occupation numbers of ions at the same charge stage are ave raged and determined by the excitation and de-excitation processes; the populations of the average ions are determined by the ionization and recombination processes with the fixed orbital average occupation numbers in each ion. The calculated mean ionizations and charge state distributions of MAICRM are in general agreement with the other theoretical and experimental results especially for the mid- and high-density plasmas. Since MAICRM considers more detailed transitions and ionization balances than the average atom model and is faster than DCA/SCA models, this model has the advantage to be combined into hydrodynamic simulations.
106 - Mihaela Vatasescu 2018
Non-Markovian quantum evolution of the electronic subsystem in a laser-driven molecule is characterized through the appearance of negative decoherence rates in the canonical form of the electronic master equation. For a driven molecular system descri bed in a bipartite Hilbert space H=Hel x Hvib of dimension 2 x Nv, we derive the canonical form of the electronic master equation, deducing the canonical measures of non-Markovianity and the Bloch volume of accessible states. We find that one of the decoherence rates is always negative, accounting for the inherent non-Markovian character of the electronic evolution in the vibrational environment. Enhanced non-Markovian behavior, characterized by two negative decoherence rates, appears if there is a coupling between the electronic states g, e, such that the evolution of the electronic populations obeys d(PgPe)/dt > 0. Non-Markovianity of the electronic evolution is analyzed in relation to temporal behaviors of the electronic-vibrational entanglement and electronic coherence, showing that enhanced non-Markovian behavior accompanies entanglement increase. Taking as an example the coupling of two electronic states by a laser pulse in the Cs2 molecule, we analyze non-Markovian dynamics under laser pulses of various strengths, finding that the weaker pulse stimulates the bigger amount of non-Markovianity. We show that increase of the electronic-vibrational entanglement over a time interval is correlated to the growth of the total amount of non-Markovianity calculated over the same interval using canonical measures and connected with the increase of the Bloch volume. After the pulse, non-Markovian behavior is correlated to electronic coherence, such that vibrational motion in the electronic potentials which diminishes the nuclear overlap, implicitly increasing the linear entropy of entanglement, brings a memory character to dynamics.
250 - Xiangjun Chen , Fang Wu , Mi Yan 2008
Hyperconjugation is a basic conception of chemistry. Its straightforward effect is exhibited by the spatial delocalization characteristics of the electron density distributions or wavefunctions. Such effects on the electron wavefunctions of the highe st-occupied molecular orbitals (HOMO) of two ethanol conformers are demonstrated with electron momentum spectroscopy together with natural bond orbital analyses, exhibiting the distinctly different symmetries of the HOMO wavefunctions in momentum space.
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