Observing the Luminosity Increase and Roche Lobe Overflow of Planet Destruction

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The destruction of planets by migration into the star will release significant amounts of energy and material, which will present opportunities to observational study planets in new ways. To observe planet destruction, it is important to understand the processes of how this energy and material is released as planets are destroyed. It is not known how fast the large amounts of energy and material are released, making it difficult to predict how observable planet destruction will be. There is a huge amount of energy made available by falling deep into the stars potential well: Simple calculations show that many of the currently known hot Jupiters can potentially produce events as luminous as a small nova if the energy is released fast enough. To observe these events, the important questions are how will this energy be released, and whether the energy will be released rapidly enough to create an event luminous enough to be found by transient surveys. Alternatively, if planet destruction is slowed by the inward migration alternating with periods of outward migration caused by Roche lobe overflow (RLOF), then the primary signature may be the effects of the release of large amounts of gas. The infall of this gas also may significantly contribute to the systems luminosity. The release of planetary gas may be a searchable signature of planet destruction. Signs of runaway RLOF and outward or alternating RLOF should be searched for. Observing planet destruction will provide a new window for study of exoplanets.

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