Comment on Isotope effect in multi-band and multi-channel attractive systems and inverse isotope effect in iron-based superconductors by T. Yanagisawa, et al

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In a recent paper Yanagisawa et al. [1] claim from a theoretical analysis of a multi-channel multi-band superconductor model that an inverse isotope exponent on the superconducting transition temperature Tc can be realized in iron-based superconductors. Simultaneously, a subgroup of the authors of Ref. 1 performed the corresponding isotope effect experiment on (Ba, K)Fe2As2 by investigating the iron isotope exchange effect on Tc [2]. In accordance with their theoretical analysis they indeed report an unusually large sign reversed isotope exponent of {alpha} simeq -0.18(3) which is in strong contrast to previous experiments on the nominally same system with the same composition in Ba, K content, namely Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 [3], where the exponent was determined to be {alpha} simeq 0.37(3). This conflict remains unsolved until now with the exception of Ref. 4 where the iron isotope exponent has been determined for FeSe. In accordance with the results of Ref. 3 a large positive isotope exponent has been seen thus questioning the outcome of Ref. 1 and implicitly the findings of Ref. 2. Here, we do not comment on the controversial experimental situation but address the theoretical analysis of Ref. 1, where a variety of misleading assumptions have led to the conclusion that a sign reversed isotope exponent can be realized in a multi-band and multi-channel attractive model for iron based superconductors.

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