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Spin Bose-Metal and Valence Bond Solid phases in a spin-1/2 model with ring exchanges on a four-leg triangular ladder

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 نشر من قبل Matthew Block
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study a spin-1/2 system with Heisenberg plus ring exchanges on a four-leg triangular ladder using the density matrix renormalization group and Gutzwiller variational wave functions. Near an isotropic lattice regime, for moderate to large ring exchanges we find a spin Bose-metal phase with a spinon Fermi sea consisting of three partially filled bands. Going away from the triangular towards the square lattice regime, we find a staggered dimer phase with dimers in the transverse direction, while for small ring exchanges the system is in a featureless rung phase. We also discuss parent states and a possible phase diagram in two dimensions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate a quantum phase transition between a Neel phase and a valence bond solid (VBS) phase, in each of which a different Z2 symmetry is broken, in a spin-1/2 two-leg XXZ ladder with a four-spin interaction. The model can be viewed as a one-d imensional variant of the celebrated J-Q model on a square lattice. By means of variational uniform matrix product state calculations and an effective field theory, we determine the phase diagram of the model, and present evidences that the Neel-VBS transition is continuous and belongs to the Gaussian universality class with the central charge c=1. In particular, the critical exponents $beta, eta,$ and, $ u$ are found to satisfy the constraints expected for a Gaussian transition within numerical accuracy. These exponents do not detectably change along the phase boundary while they are in general allowed to do so for the Gaussian class.
We study a spin-1/2 XXZ model with a four-spin interaction on a two-leg ladder. By means of effective field theory and matrix product state calculations, we obtain rich ground-state phase diagrams that consist of eight distinct gapped phases. Four of them exhibit spontaneous symmetry breaking with either a magnetic or valence-bond-solid (VBS) long-range order. The other four are featureless, i.e., the bulk ground state is unique and does not break any symmetry. The featureless phases include the rung singlet (RS) and Haldane phases as well as their variants, the RS* and Haldane* phases, in which twisted singlet pairs are formed between the two legs. We argue and demonstrate that Gaussian transitions with the central charge c=1 occur between the featureless phases and between the ordered phases while Ising transitions with c=1/2 occur between the featureless and ordered phases. The two types of transition lines cross at the SU(2)-symmetric point, where the criticality is described by the SU(2)_2 Wess-Zumino-Witten theory with c=3/2. The RS-Haldane* and RS*-Haldane transitions give examples of topological phase transitions. Interestingly, the RS* and Haldane* phases, which have highly anisotropic nature, appear even in the vicinity of the isotropic case. We demonstrate that all the four featureless phases are distinguished by topological indices in the presence of certain symmetries.
We study the possible ground state configurations of two strongly coupled chains of charge neutral spin-3/2 fermionic atoms interacting via short range van der Waals interaction. The coupling between the two chains is realized by relatively large hop ping amplitude. Exploiting that such a ladder configuration can be mapped to an effective one-band model we analyze the emerging ground states of the system. We show that various spatially inhomogeneous states, valence bond states, plaquette states compete depending on the filling and the ratio of the interaction strengths in the singlet and quintet scattering channel. We find that a Luttinger liquid state is the ground state of the strongly coupled ladder in an extended region of the parameter space, and we also show that a topologically nontrivial charge Haldane state can emerge in the strongly coupled ladder at quarter and three-quarter fillings.
We study the ground state phase diagram of a frustrated spin-1/2 four-leg tube. Using a variety of complementary techniques, namely density matrix renormalization group, exact diagonalization, Schwinger boson mean field theory, quantum Monte-Carlo an d series expansion, we explore the parameter space of this model in the regime of all-antiferromagnetic exchange. In contrast to unfrustrated four-leg tubes we uncover a rich phase diagram. Apart from the Luttinger liquid fixed point in the limit of decoupled legs, this comprises several gapped ground states, namely a plaquette, an incommensurate, and an antiferromagnetic quasi spin-2 chain phase. The transitions between these phases are analyzed in terms of total energy and static structure factor calculations and are found to be of (weak) first order. Despite the absence of long range order in the quantum case, remarkable similarities to the classical phase diagram are uncovered, with the exception of the icommensurate regime, which is strongly renormalized by quantum fluctuations. In the limit of large leg exchange the tube exhibits a deconfinement cross-over from gapped magnon like excitations to spinons.
137 - B. Nafradi , T. Keller , H. Manaka 2012
We have used a combination of neutron resonant spin-echo and triple-axis spectroscopies to determine the energy and linewidth of the magnon resonance in IPA-Cu(Cl$_{0.95}$Br$_{0.05}$)$_3$, a model spin-1/2 ladder antiferromagnet where Br substitution induces bond randomness. We find that the bond defects induce a blueshift, $delta Delta$, and broadening, $delta Gamma$, of the magnon gap excitation compared to the pure compound. At temperatures exceeding the energy scale of the inter-ladder exchange interactions, $delta Delta$ and $delta Gamma$ are temperature independent within the experimental error, in agreement with Matthiessens rule according to which magnon-defect scattering yields a temperature independent contribution to the magnon mean free path. Upon cooling, $delta Delta$ and $delta Gamma$ become temperature dependent and saturate at values lower than those observed at higher temperature, consistent with the crossover from one-dimensional to two-dimensional spin correlations with decreasing temperature previously observed in pure IPA-CuCl$_3$. These results indicate limitations in the applicability of Matthiessens rule for magnon scattering in low-dimensional magnets.
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