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Protostellar collapse of magneto-turbulent cloud cores: shape during collapse and outflow formation

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 نشر من قبل Tomoaki Matsumoto
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate protostellar collapse of molecular cloud cores by numerical simulations, taking into account turbulence and magnetic fields. By using the adaptive mesh refinement technique, the collapse is followed over a wide dynamic range from the scale of a turbulent cloud core to that of the first core. The cloud core is lumpy in the low density region owing to the turbulence, while it has a smooth density distribution in the dense region produced by the collapse. The shape of the dense region depends mainly on the mass of the cloud core; a massive cloud core tends to be prolate while a less massive cloud core tends to be oblate. In both cases, anisotropy of the dense region increases during the isothermal collapse. The minor axis of the dense region is always oriented parallel to the local magnetic field. All the models eventually yield spherical first cores supported mainly by the thermal pressure. Most of turbulent cloud cores exhibit protostellar outflows around the first cores. These outflows are classified into two types, bipolar and spiral flows, according to the morphology of the associated magnetic field. Bipolar flow often appears in the less massive cloud core. The rotation axis of the first core is oriented parallel to the local magnetic field for bipolar flow, while the orientation of the rotation axis from the global magnetic field depends on the magnetic field strength. In spiral flow, the rotation axis is not aligned with the local magnetic field.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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138 - Daniel Murray , Shivam Goyal , 2017
We present results of hydrodynamic simulations of massive star forming regions with and without protostellar jets. We show that jets change the normalization of the stellar mass accretion rate, but do not strongly affect the dynamics of star formatio n. In particular, $M_*(t) propto f^2 (t-t_*)^2$ where $f = 1 - f_{rm jet}$ is the fraction of mass accreted onto the protostar, $f_{rm jet}$ is the fraction ejected by the jet, and $(t-t_*)^2$ is the time elapsed since the formation of the first star. The star formation efficiency is nonlinear in time. We find that jets have only a small effect (of order 25%) on the accretion rate onto the protostellar disk (the raw accretion rate). We show that the small scale structure -- the radial density, velocity, and mass accretion profiles are very similar in the jet and no-jet cases. Finally, we show that the inclusion of jets does drive turbulence but only on small (parsec) scales.
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