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Discovery of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the Recurrent Burst Emission from SGR 1806-20

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 نشر من قبل Ahmed M. El-Mezeini
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present evidence for Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) in the recurrent outburst emission from the soft gamma repeater SGR 1806-20 using NASAs Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observations. By searching a sample of 30 bursts for timing signals at the frequencies of the QPOs discovered in the 2004 December 27 giant flare from the source, we find three QPOs at 84, 103, and 648 Hz in three different bursts. The first two QPOs lie within $sim$ 1$: sigma$ from the 92 Hz QPO detected in the giant flare. The third QPO lie within $sim$ 9$: sigma$ from the 625 Hz QPO also detected in the same flare. The detected QPOs are found in bursts with different durations, morphologies, and brightness, and are vindicated by Monte Carlo simulations, which set a lower limit confidence interval $geq 4.3 sigma$. We also find evidence for candidate QPOs at higher frequencies in other bursts with lower statistical significance. The fact that we can find evidence for QPOs in the recurrent bursts at frequencies relatively close to those found in the giant flare is intriguing and can offer insight about the origin of the oscillations. We confront our finding against the available theoretical models and discuss the connection between the QPOs we report and those detected in the giant flares. The implications to the neutron star properties are also discussed.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present evidence for Quasi Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) in the recurrent outburst activity from SGR 1806-20 using Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observations during November 1996. Searching for QPOs in a sample of 30 bursts at similar frequenc ies to those previously reported in the December 27, 2004 giant flare, we find evidence for a QPO in a burst at 648 Hz at 5.17{sigma} confidence level, lying within 3.75% from the 625 Hz QPO discovered in the giant flare. Two additional features are also detected around 84 and 103 Hz in two other bursts at 4.2{sigma} and 4.8{sigma} confidence level, respectively, which lie within 8.85% and 11.83% respectively from the QPO at 92.5 Hz also detected in the giant flare. Accounting for the number of bursts analyzed the confidence levels for the 84, 103 and 648 Hz becomes 3{sigma}, 3.6{sigma} and 3.4{sigma} respectively. Extending our search to other frequency ranges, we find candidates at 1096, 1230, 2785 and 3690 Hz in 3 different bursts with confidence levels lying between 4.14{sigma}-4.46{sigma}, which is reduced to 2.3{sigma}-3{sigma} after accounting for a certain confirmation bias in each case. The fact that we can find evidence for QPOs in the recurrent bursts at frequencies relatively close to those found in the giant flare is intriguing. We examine the candidate QPOs in relation with those found in the giant flare and discuss their possible physical origin.
In 2004, SGR 1806-20 underwent a period of intense and long-lasting burst activity that included the giant flare of 27 December 2004 -- the most intense extra-solar transient event ever detected at Earth. During this active episode, we routinely moni tored the source with Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and occasionally with Chandra. During the course of these observations, we identified two relatively bright bursts observed with Konus-Wind in hard X-rays that were followed by extended X-ray tails or afterglows lasting hundreds to thousands of seconds. Here, we present detailed spectral and temporal analysis of these events observed about 6 and 1.5 months prior to the 27 December 2004 Giant Flare. We find that both X-ray tails are consistent with a cooling blackbody of constant radius. These spectral results are qualitatively similar to those of the burst afterglows recorded from SGR 1900+14 and recently from SGR 1550-5418. However, the latter two sources exhibit significant increase in their pulsed X-ray intensity following the burst, while we did not detect any significant changes in the RMS pulsed amplitude during the SGR 1806-20 events. Moreover, we find that the fraction of energy partitioned to the burst (prompt energy release) and the tail (afterglow) differs by an order of magnitude between SGR 1900+14 and SGR 1806-20. We suggest that such differences can be attributed to differences in the crustal heating mechanism of these neutron stars combined with the geometry of the emitting areas.
We discuss observations of the quiescent emission from the soft gamma repeater SGR 1806-20 by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We find that the 2-20 keV RXTE data is consistent with a constant spectral shape during both active bursting periods and pe riods of relative quiescence, and is best described by a nonthermal (power law) spectral shape. Using archival ASCA data we find that the quiescent spectrum of SGR 1806-20 is well fit over the energy range 1-30 keV by a power law of photon index 2.31 +/- 0.04, with thermal bremsstrahlung and Raymond-Smith models producing much worse fits to the data.
Magnetars are highly magnetized neutron stars that are characterized by recurrent emission of short-duration bursts in soft gamma-rays/hard X-rays. Recently, FRB 200428 were found to be associated with an X-ray burst from a Galactic magnetar. Two fas t radio bursts (FRBs) show mysterious periodic activity. However, whether magnetar X-ray bursts are periodic phenomena is unclear. In this paper, we investigate the period of SGR 1806-20 activity. More than 3000 short bursts observed by different telescopes are collected, including the observation of RXTE, HETE-2, ICE and Konus. We consider the observation windows and divide the data into two sub-samples to alleviate the effect of unevenly sample. The epoch folding and Lomb-Scargle methods are used to derive the period of short bursts. We find a possible period about $ 398.20 pm 25.45 $ days. While other peaks exist in the periodograms. If the period is real, the connection between short bursts of magnetars and FRBs should be extensively investigated.
We have phase connected a sequence of RXTE PCA observations of SGR 1806-20 covering 178 days. We find a simple secular spin-down model does not adequately fit the data. The period derivative varies gradually during the observations between 8.1 and 11 .7 * 10^-11 s/s (at its highest, ~40% larger than the long term trend), while the average burst rate as seen with BATSE drops throughout the time interval. The phase residuals give no compelling evidence for periodicity, but more closely resemble timing noise as seen in radio pulsars. The magnitude of the timing noise, however, is large relative to the noise level typically found in radio pulsars. Combining these results with the noise levels measured for some AXPs, we find all magnetar candidates have Delta_8 values larger than those expected from a simple extrapolation of the correlation found in radio pulsars. We find that the timing noise in SGR 1806-20 is greater than or equal to the levels found in some accreting systems (e.g., Vela X-1, 4U 1538-52 and 4U 1626-67), but the spin-down of SGR 1806-20 has thus far maintained coherence over 6 years. Alternatively, an orbital model with a period P_orb = 733 days provides a statistically acceptable fit to the data. If the phase residuals are created by Doppler shifts from a gravitationally bound companion, then the allowed parameter space for the mass function (small) and orbital separation (large) rule out the possibility of accretion from the companion sufficient to power the persistent emission from the SGR.
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